[@Grey] === [color=ed1c24]"THE ONLY REAL POWER IS IN ONE'S SELF! THE SOUL OF A WARRIOR MATCHES NONE! TAKE PRIDE NOT IN YOUR FAITH IN YOUR FELLOW WARRIORS. TAKE THE MOST PRIMAL INSTINCT: THE PRIDE IN YOUR SOUL! THAT PRIDE CAN LET YOU CAN OVERCOME THE GREATEST OF OBSTACLES. CLIMB THE WALLS NO ONE ELSE CAN! NEVER BE SATISFIED WITH A BEAR WHEN YOU CAN KILL A WYRM, OR EVEN A DRAGON! ONLY THEN WILL YOU UNDERSTAND IT MEANS TO BERSERKER!"[/color] roared the man as he backed away with a deft jump dodging the blows that would've rendered him helpess and then kicking a nearby broken pot at Roland's face the enemy Berserker would then try and rush forward slamming into Roland full force sending her through the wall a moment later. [color=ed1c24]"There is no honor in a true fight! FIGHT TO KILL YOUR ENEMY NOTHING MORE! TO DO ANYTHING ELSE DISRESPECTS THEM!"[/color] he blared out as he lunged forward to try and ram his right sword into her gut the other sword at the ready to block if need be. The only way to properly describe the enemy Berserker was pure raw unadulterated power. His every blow was like that of a giant animal rampaging but with the intelligence of a warrior whom has more than earned his spot as a heroic spirit. If he lacked anything it would seem he lacked moderation, and any form of magical power. Or at the very least he preferred his power to it. An unstoppable object in it's finest form.