Soon enough, everybody else turned up at the appropriate place at the appropriate time, including the hot as hell lizard lady they'd come to retrieve from the prison. Her wink in Deprave's direction did not escape his notice, and he grinned back at her whilst raising his eyebrows in her direction. She'd be a real priority when the time came to seduce some bitches, all things considered. In short order after that, their transport turned up, a fuckhuge RV driven by rabbit lady who was all trenchcoat and torn-up skin. Weaver, he believed she was called: quite attractive in her own right, and certainly readily ogled, but she was already snarking off at everybody. Exactly the sort of person he loved breaking down into tiny little pieces, in every way... but alas, he was once again reminded of his need to not do that, not least because she was driving them where they needed to go. Speaking of which, time to hop in (ahaha, bunny puns). He climbed into the van behind Old N, Glug still draped over his shoulder like a retarded, drugged-out, dickless ragdoll, only for the bunnygirl to tell him he'd be kicked out if he got blood on any of the couches. 'Yeah, good luck getting me out even if I do,' he retorted almost immediately. 'Beside, if anybody's gonna get blood everywhere, it's gonna be this guy Flag right here.' That said, he promptly dropped Plug on to the nearest flat surface, then moved forward so he could examine the rest of the van, coincidentally allowing the rest of the crew to get on behind him. And he'd admit, it was a very nice vehicle. Certainly, he'd long since gotten used to the incredible, albeit rather odd-looking opulences that the modern day held compared to when he'd been alive so many thousands of years ago. Especially the beds, made of so much softness he could weep at the sight. And just his size, too! He promptly leapt on to the one that... fffeeeemale Jonathan... had not yet claimed for himself... er, herself... and lay back upon it, his width covering pretty much the whole thing, marvelling once more at how far the world had advanced since his time. Amazing stuff. And he was sure the alcohol would be much-appreciated by all and sundry too.