[@Vampy] [center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140808090413/akamegakill/images/a/af/Leonemainpage.png[/img] [h1][color=gold]Crimson[/color][/h1][/center] Cee pops up to squat crouched on her bed and look at Cicile tilting her head from side to side as she studies the other girl till a big grin spreads on her face and she answered her roomie’s question [color=gold]I’d love to help you learn about yourself Cicile but first I need to know what you mean by your words because they are confusing in light of what Melody has taught me of your language.[/color] Then Cee’s voice shifts and she sounds a bit like Cicile as she uses her talented vocal cords that can mimic animal noises to mimic her as she repeats what she said. [color=00aeef]I can help you to be more social if you can help me to learn more about me, if you know what I mean?[/color] Then blinking rapidly as if she were signaling with a semaphore light the gold of her pupils standing in for the light she asked [color=gold]Cee heard every word Cicile said but wants to know the exact meaning of Cicile’s words because of the complexity of verbal comunication. It is the part[/color] [color=00aeef]Help me learn more about me, if you know what I mean[/color] [color=gold]This Cee hears the words of but knows it can be layered in meaning and one of those meanings is intimate; please define Cicile’s meaning and I will agree to help no matter the answer because I Cee like Cicile and want to help[/color]