Keep in mind that hierarchical positions are subject to change/approval according to Kronshi and Akaya (and general reasoning, to prevent things like "Second only to the diamonds" or some bs) So, assuming this gets a pass... Cymophanes would be utilized as a spy outside of battle and a general disruptor in battle, being able to sneak around and either distract or pick off the more important Gems using their camouflage and polearms (seeing as how the same type of Gem can have different weapons, I'm being general). However, for non-combat use only the more skilled Cymophanes would be used, seeing as how their abilities are much more developed. For combat purposes they would be ranked below a Jasper (and potentially an Agate, though we're not really sure what they actually do yet) and above the general "cannon fodder" as [color=fff200]she[/color] would put it.