"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING" roared the Savannah Savage as the russian made off with the piece of paper. It wasn't that he cared much about constitutions, he meant every word he said and would very much fight anyone who tried to tell him what to do, but it was the principle of the thing. No one was going to put one over on him, for one. For another, it was a way to make others return to the purity of the wild. And besides, that Ivan tried to go about this sneakily while surrounded by people who'd have all eyes on him since he took what they were all fighting for was just daft, and it just made Leonidas feel even more insulted. Grunting in anger, he once again began to make way through the crowd and spared Jarl Ragcan or whatever his name was little more than a sideways glance and a few quick words. "We'll settle this later", he mouthed as the tiny girl did half his job for him, stopping the russian and taking the constitution back. Hell, she even picked a fight with the walking tin can, which meant he could focus on the primary target of his ire. Though he was shorter than Ivan, their similar weights meant that Leonidas was actually much wider and seemed to pack more muscle than even the colossal russian, and other wrestlers made sure to give them both a wide berth. And so the lion faced down the bear, hamhock-sized hand unconsciously half flexed into a claw and body almost shaking from rage. Nobody made a fool of the Lord of the Wild, nobody. "You think you're clever? Think you get to call the shots, put one over on me? I don't give a rat's ass about the people, I don't give a rat's ass about no constitution, but if you think you can play me for a fool you got another thing coming. We'll settle this in the ring alright".