[Color=Yellow][H1][i][b][Centre]RYZIN[/Centre][/b][/i][/H1][/color] [Color=Yellow][H2][i][b][Centre]AMALGAM UNIVERSITY[/Centre][/b][/i][/H2][/color] [hider] The Team Arclight Grunt scoffed with annoyance as he called up his Noibat. [i]"Alright then kid, let's play a bit then"[/i], he seemed to be a little irritated, he didn't seem eager to battle, but all the same his Noibat was called up in front. Ryzin looking at the Grunt full of cofindence stops and looks at Dm, [color=Yellow]"Look Dm just do your best and stay on guard this is all new for both us, NOW LETS SHOW HIM YOUR POWER!!"[/color]. [i]"Loudmouthed kid, alright then. Noibat, use Gust!"[/i], the Noibat flew a little higher before swooping over the Totodile, picking up significant wind, before turning and 'throwing' a small tornado at it. [color=Yellow]"Dm jump to the right and use Water gun just like we practiced"[/color]. Totodile noding, jumps to the right trying to dodge a small tornado like gust coming at it, narrowly dodging the attack Totodile inhales, then fires of a water gun at Noibat as quick as its able to. The Gust was a wide-area attack, so Totodile managed to avoid the worst of it, giving it the footing it needed to counter-attack with Water Gun, however Noibat was already freely flying around, it was a fast, moving target, the Water Gun at most could only manage a light graze as the Noibat came back in for another swoop. [i]"Now, Supersonic!"[/i], the Noibat screeched a nauseating sound, gold rings showing the effect area as it came in on Totodile from the front. Ryzin thinks to himself, 'this is quite a fast pokemon, very troublesome indeed'. [color=Yellow]"Ok Dm QUICKLY!!. Try using water gun pointed at the floor to boost you, then jump as high as you can over the Supersonic, try to land on Noibat as you come down"[/color]. The Totodile's stunt by order of his trainer was risky, Water Gun doesn't have the force to send it high into the air, but for it's Supersonic run the Noibat went closer to the ground, the Water Gun's force was sufficient from the small water Pokemon as the Noibat suddenly felt a weight on it's back, before crashing to the ground, as it's small wings could not carry the sudden baggage. The Noibat was skidding along the ground as Totodile was in a position to attack it while it was on the ground. [i]"Argh! Damnit Noibat, Screech! Use Screech!"[/i], the order came out, the Noibat heard it, but it was still recovering from it's fall. Ryzin seeing the slight delay from noibat yells to Totodile,[color=Yellow] "Dm now's the time use Ice Fang, NOW!! before it recovers Bite its wing stop it from flying around"[/color]. Ryzin giggles to himself 'hehehehehe, this should turn the tides a bit.... hopefully'. Totodile Nods in acknowledgment, Her fangs start to freeze over and Totodile lifts her head up and chomps down hard on the Noibat, Hitting the top of the left wing. The Ice Fang was super effective, the Noibat yelped in pain before turning to the Totodile, and using Screech in it's face, managing to force it off, however the damage was done. The Noibat attempted to take to air again, only to stutter and fall a bit, before getting up again. It was limping. It no longer had the speed it displayed earlier. [i]"Ugh... Absorb, use Absorb!"[/i], the grunt was getting panicked, and unable to fly quickly, the Noibat simply hovered in it's position, struggling to fire out Absorb as a beam. Hearing the point blank Screech, Totodile grabbed at its ears and closed her eyes tightly and fell backwards trying to block out the sound. Slowly Totodile gets up as the deafening sound dies down[color=Yellow],"Dm jump to the right once again, then use Water Gun one more time"[/color]. Totodile looking a little more tired now jumps to the right, again narrowly dodging the green beam heading towards her. Totodile inhales deeply then lets out a Water Gun beaming towards Noibat. The Absorb sloppily landed as the Totodile stepped to the side, avoiding the attack before swiftly returning fire with a Water Gun, cleanly shooting the Noibat out of the air. As it landed to the ground, it was clear it had fainted as it struggled to get up, before finally resting it's head against the ground. [i]"Urgh,,,"[/i], the Grunt clearly had no Pokemon left as he begrudgingly returned the Noibat to it's Pokeball. [/hider] After seeing the Grunt Flee from the scene Ryzin rushes over to check on Totodile. As Ryzin approaches Totodile she flops backwards landing on her behind, she starts to pant heavily and looks up at Ryzin. [color=Yellow]"Dm buddy are you ok?.[/color]Totodile looks up at Ryzin and gives a thumbs up and winks.[color=Yellow] Man you are amazing buddy those moves you pulled off were perfect, I am so proud of you"......[/color] Mid sentence totodile falls on her back trying to recover, Ryzin shocked, thinking she had passed out scoops her up in his arms. All the while Totodile has a massive smile on her face looking at Ryzin with the cheekiest of expressions.[color=Yellow]"Dm do you want to go back to the pokemon center and get some rest, or are you ok to carry on?, I get the feeling like we need to stick around, someone might need our help.[/color] Totodile nods and signals to be put down, she stands up proper and strikes her signature pose. [color=Yellow]"You are such a show off, I know your tired", [/color]Ryzin reaches into his bag, grabs a potion and sprays Totodile with it,[color=Yellow] "I know that must feel better, alright buddy lets go check on the fossil machine"[/color].