"Another one..." Leila said as she rode towards the village from a distance. She had hurried here as fast as she could when she heard about the Hero laying waste to it. It seemed the news was true. It indeed had been destroyed, or at least most of it. Most of the buildings had been razed to the ground, with only a few still shaped like houses though they suffered significant damages nonetheless. The odd thing however was that Leila still saw people wandering around in the village. She had expected them to be all gone, just like the other villages. At the gate of the village, or at least what remained of it anyways, Leila descended from her horse. She then approached the gate guard standing in the middle of the road, with his head hung down, looking down to the ground. "Excuse me, Sir, is it true that--" Before she could finish her sentence, the guard suddenly lunged towards her, his spear aimed right at her chest. Leila's reflexes quickly made her dodge out of the way. "Aaaaaaaaaa..." she heard the soldier moan. "This is... a zombie?!" she said to herself. There was no mistaking it. That slouched posture, that moaning, that absent-looking expression, that stench, he was definitely undead. "I am sorry... I shall make you sure you rest in peace," she said to the undead before calling her sword out from its hyperspace, manifesting it instantly in her hand. Then, without any hesitation, she leaped forward and slashed the creature into two. His bodies fell to the ground with a sickening thud. "...Is this your doing too, Sven...?" she mumbled to herself with a disheartened voice. She entered the village, her sword still in hand. She saw how it was crawling with zombies, no doubt all the villagers who once lived in this place. She then noticed a girl punching one of the zombies' stomach, sending it flying into a bench in the middle of the town. It seemed she was no zombie, seeing how she could sense holy energy coming from her attack. "Excuse me miss," she said as she approached her, "I am Leila, a knight of this kingdom. I came here right away as soon as I heard the news that it had been attacked. Were you here when the event happened? D-did the Hero really do this?" she asked, her voice shaking a little in the end due to her excitement.