The town was quiet, although not in the way he'd expected. Tony stared at the ruined town, an annoyed scowl plastered on his face as he watched the town's undead inhabitants shuffled about. He had hoped there wouldn't be anything there. He wanted to set up camp so he wouldn't have to drag his load everywhere while he was looking for leads. Sighing, Tony decided that standing there wouldn't get him anywhere and headed down into the town. Fast forward a few minutes and Tony had found foundhimself with his axe lodged down to the neck a particularly aggressive zombie's head. It flailed for a few moments under Tony's weapon before he kicked it off, sending its lifeless body careening into a few of his brethren. Tony raised his weapon towards them expecting another fight but the zombies ignored the dead corpse and moved on, towards the center of the town. [b]"Feh."[/b] Tony spat, shaking the blood off his axe. [b]"What's a man got to do for a good fight around here?"[/b] None of the zombies replied. Tony was actually glad that none of them bothered to help their brethren. He loved his fights as much as the next guy but he wasn't stupid enough to engage an enemy with indefinite numbers unless he really had to. Not that he had anything against fighting an indefinite number of enemies, but he had somewhere to be right now. And apparently, the zombies did too. In fact it looked for all the world as if they were heading in the same direction - the center of town. This made Tony suspicious. It was highly possible that the whole set up was a trap. There'd been rumours of a way to defeat the hero, rumours that said it resided in this very town, and the presence of undead in that very same town couldn't have been a coincidence. Nevertheless, Tony had somewhere to be. This was one of the few hopes that the people clung to - that a hero would rise and overthrow the tyrant. This was one of the ways that could be achieved. As he got near the edge of town center, Tony shrugged his pack off of his shoulders and set it down in the coner of a half-destroyed blue building. Putting his axe down for a moment he then took his shield from the front and strapped it onto his left arm before picking the axe back up. Geared up and ready for action, Tony stepped outside and took cover behind a building, staring at the obstacle ahead. The zombies were massing around the city center and he knew he wouldn't get in there without help. Individually and even in small groups they wouldn't much trouble, it was the sheer volume and number that would give him issues. He wasn't keen on fighting them without any way to clear out the horde quickly. He'd need more numbers, numbers which he was sure would come. He'd seen a few non-zombies who looked like they could handle themselves but they'd need much more than that. Tony had avoided them for now, he wasn't sure where there allegiances lay. The rumors were dismissed as just that, rumours, by most everyone besides the most desperate or, most importantly, the ones who had a real shot at killing the tyrant. And that was just the crowd that Tony wanted in with. But he couldn't be sure that it wasn't a trap, and that the visitors weren't in fact agents of the tyrant, so he opted to wait for others to come.