Kolonis strode slowly into the village, painfully aware that even at her carefully selected angle of entry, she had done next to nothing to conceal her approach. She had spent weeks without a plan. It irked her. While the end was always in mind, the means to it had become muddled. Losing one’s demon lord didn’t help matters one bit, and she had no chance against the so-called hero. And now her ‘plan’ was to head into a village the hero destroyed, assuming he wasn’t still present. She could not sort out the magical signatures before her, and that too irked her. What was plain as she continued was the abundant presence of necromancy. That concerned her. A single individual with skill over the divine and necromancy, in addition to the rumors of demonic skill and a wide set of abilities, was a very dangerous concept. The zombies themselves were weak and pathetic, and to illustrate her point, she stopped her slow stride into the village as two came out before her. Slow, predictable, walking in a straight line towards her. She swiftly leaned forwards to grab both their skulls and channeled fire through her fingers, incinerating their heads as they pointlessly flailed to gain a grip on her arms and torso. A nifty skill, but something more efficient would be necessary when two became twenty, which seemed very likely to happen. Peering ahead, she took quick note that she was not alone in her interest. A pair of female humans. She hung back, unsure of her best course to continue. There was a time when she would have cast a few runes and dealt with them, but these were strange times, and she could not afford to be hasty.