[Center][h2]Amalgam University[/h2] [@Broyeabro][@Sho Minazuki][@alexfangtalon][@I-Am-X][@Alder][@Lord Szall][/center] The battle was intense but Damien's Metagross finally fell to the overwhelming power of the Professor's Flygon, with Damien returning Terra to its Pokeball. He started to reach for another but stopped as he saw an Arclight Grunt rushing away from the Fossil Machine with a USB clutched tightly in her hand. [Color=cyan]"Welp, I'd say it's about time to blow this popsicle stand. I can tell when an audience can't appreciate my musical masterpieces. Smell ya later losers!"[/color] Damien put his foot down on the fog machine which had been running this whole time and it began to spew more and more fog. The room was quickly filled with it, Grunts returning their Pokémon quickly and running to the exit. The fog cleared and the room was empty, no signs of Arclight aside from the damage they left while battling. And the abandoned fog machine and massive speaker. If anyone bothered to check the speaker they would find a CD taped to the side of it with Damien's latest tracks on it, the opening track being what he had played during his entrance. [hr] [Center][h2][color=gray]Talonite[/color][/h2] [@Amaterasu][@Sho Minazuki][/center] [Color=gray]"I'm suddenly regretting ever coming to Chromis. I've been robbed, dropped into a pool of water, and I'm now embroiled in a massive conspiracy all on the first day."[/color] As Talonite bemoaned his horrible luck his backpack began shaking and cracking sounds were coming from it. They stopped rather quickly as a pair of antenna emerged from the backpack tentatively. A baby Wimpod peeked out but quickly ducked back in out of fear as soon as it saw York and Ren.