Astiroth sighed as he neared the village of Lemhard. It wasn't the fact that is was crawling with undead, or even that he would most likely get into a conflict. It was the fact that he had to keep walking. Hunting for the he or turned tyrant wasn't an easy task. While the tyrant was learning and gaining power, the only thing Astiroth could do was search for him. As Astirother neared the village, he made sure he was in human form. He didn't want to spook any survivors. They had already witnessed hell in the slaughter of their friends and family...that is...if there were any survivors. He took note out the amount of undead that filled the village. "Well I'd rather not at the moment." He turned his gaze toward the rooftops. He walked into the closest building and climbed to the roof. Heven had a much better view of the village and what remained of its inhabitants. "I'll just use the rooftops to reach the center." Astir other said as he began trying to navigate the rooftops.