[@Grey] === [color=ed1c24]"You've done nothing I'm merely teaching the rookie how it [i]should[/i] be! I promise you this: there has never been another like me."[/color] the man roared as he came at her but she had somehow managed to dodge him in time. Perhaps he shouldn't be going easy on her.While some were strong he had known for a fact that women were weak by stature standpoint. All thought and no blessings from the gods of war that were the primal instincts of a male trying to overwhelm his prey. They thought peacefully and carefully. That's what had left him open as he got cut on his sides a stinging pain...but ultimately it effected him about as much as a pin prick. His endurance was on par with some of the greatest there had ever been. No man, women, or beast that had crossed him had ever lived to tell the tale for long. Especially when he was around the age he had been summoned in. The first blow had cut him but barely. [color=ed1c24]"Why dodge?"[/color] the man said with a snarky grin as he smacked the floor with the full force of his right foot collapsing the floor beneath him allowing him to fall into the floor below him. Dust, and wood fell around him and the glass table he landed on shattered but he paid it no mind whatsoever. He didn't even flinch as he landed on his feet. He ended up jabbing one of his swords into the ground he then moved over and smashed his fist where he knew a support beam would likely be as the floor on the 12th floor's room started to collapse... [color=ed1c24]"There's more ways to get out of a fight than to move all pretty like..."[/color] he laughed happy that this fight had turned out to have been more entertaining than his last. Of course if he had wished it this girl would've already been dead. This whole fight was a formality to him. A simple courtesy from one soldier to a true warrior. Now time would only tell if Berserker was truly worthy of that name or if he would need to collapse the whole floor...and deal with whatever the hell the mage had summoned. His master's circle had been broken and while some of the magical was likely still present it was more than likely not at full force. He may need to tactically retreat if they got any bright ideas. He hated the mere thought of running...but survival lead to a chance for a better fight later. [color=ed1c24]"First rule of being a Berserker [i]kid[/i]! Never let a worthy enemy get between you and your goal! You like your master? Then prove that his future is worth a damn and fight me!"[/color] the man commented with a crack of his neck. [color=ed1c24]"Or are you like all women from our age? Easily predictable, and pointlessly naive? Weak that's all your kind is. No better than the cowards whom balked at my tales when I killed beasts of legend that dwarfs their brains."[/color]