[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8K7uIKq.png[/img] [h2][color=a187be]Alesia[/color][/h2][/center] Just when Alesia was about to leave for the cafeteria, she heard somebody else introducing herself towards the two of them. [i]But where is she...?[/i] She momentarially thought as she turned around to see who was it. She thought that voice was just her imagination until she looked downwards to see a short girl. For a moment, she was glad to see someone shorter than her especially with that guy's height eclipsing her literally. But still, that girl was way too short, Alesia wouldn't have believed that she was a student if it weren't for her uniform. Alesia's raw instincts sensed that Aniel is tastier than anything she had eaten before. But, due to the tanned girl's size, the servings size is way too small for her to loose control and go on a rampage, that food supply could only last her for one week at most. Also, her pride does not allow her to eat underaged kids, she prefer eating buff & muscular men, [i]except for that tall guy in front of me of course...[/i] [i]Humans? Figured, she ain't that good in common language, must be a foreigner~[/i] Alesia thought, going along with that handshake that somehow happened after the strange encounter. She was too hungry to notice [s]the midget's[/s] the girl's wings & tail behind. [color=a187be]"I'm Alesia, just making my way for the cafeteria, you know, had to fill up my stomach after the long trip here~"[/color] With Aniel around, Alesia felt a bit more comfortable in speaking up, fortunately for her. By now, she had figured out that Aniel & Marco, no matter how unlikely they seem, are also the First Years. [@CandySatan][@TheHangedMan]