Kythe sat up on the roof of one of the buildings, one foot resting on the edge while the other dangled off. He wasn't up there out of any desire to remain hidden, just the practicality of avoiding the creatures in the streets and a higher vantage point, that none of the others that came through looked up to see him was just a bonus, except for the one figure he could see had the same idea as him but that one was still a few rooftops down and he could barely make anything out of it at this distance. Kythe himself had come to the remains of Lemhard to investigate rumors that a way of defeating the Tyrant could be found here. He had little faith in those rumors, thought even crossed his mind that it could be a trap for other prospective heros, but as he was faced with the options of a potential trap or the destruction of all he holds dear didn't seem to be that much of a decision then, besides it was just about the only lead he had at all at this point. Now based of the appearances of the other people that found their way in, the divine magic using pugilist; a knight; a demon sorceress he recognized from when he watched the hero when he was on his quest; and a man that smelled of olive oil and spices, he made a bit of a guess that they were here for pretty much the same if not similar reasons. As it was some of them seemed to be taking a wait-and-see approach to the others, but with some kind of interaction between all of them seemingly inevitable, and likely to have been intended, there wasn't much reason to draw it out at this point. He leapt down from the roof onto a pair of shambling corpses that had beet a bit to close together, immediately crushing one's skull under a clawed foot and pinning the other down. He quickly drew his blade of his back and dragged it along the ground to finish off the pinned zombie and lash out at one more nearby before resting it over his shoulder and standing up tall, glancing down at the demon and then over at the knight and brawler "I'm going to venture a guess that we are all here for roughly the same reason!" He raised his voice to call out to them and turned his gaze to the village center "should we get on with it then?!" without really waiting for a response he wound up for a strike again, his blade shining with light magic, and slashed at the air sending a wave of light to strike another zombie a few feet in front of him. Sure calling everyone out was a gamble, but he was confident that the Demon Sorceress standing far to his left at this point had no allegiance to the tyrant, so that was one person he at least didn't have to worry about too much and possibly a potential ally, even if only temporarily.