It had all happened in but a heartbeat, one moment Kali had been leaning against a column, bemused smile half cloaked by the shadows cast from the remaining structure of the shrine as she teased the stranger next to the statue of the Goddess. And then, in the next the entire world had changed before the lady had a chance to respond. The world seem to whip into a frenzy all around the shrine, pleasant scents of nature drifting from sources unseen, driving back the old dank and musky smell of moss and aged wood long since left to rot. Even as Kali drew in a breath of surprise, the gentle scent of fresh rain seeping through each inch of her form - every muscle in her body seeming to relax, the darkness from the corners of the shrine seemed to grow and cover her vision. And yet, even as all sight faded from the room, Kali could not find it within her to panic. Though she could not understand the nature of these changes, the atmosphere held no aggression and even this darkness seemed more like a comforting blanket then a hostile force. Not daring to utter a sound, lest she break the magic of this moment, the darkness was flung back from her vision, as though one had just lifted the curtain to a play. If her mouth had not been agape before, Kali certainly became dumbstruck at the sight that now lay before her. No more was this a decrepit shrine, abandoned to face the ravages of nature and time. Kali’s eyes darted around rapidly attempting to take in the sight before her. As stunning as the transformation of the shrine was, even it’s beauty and elegance paled in comparison to the true figure of the goddess that stood before them. Kali could feel a lump grow in her throat, her voice caught and unable to make a sound as she stared at what could only be described as the true definition of beauty. The entire frame of the Goddess seemed to radiate to Kali’s eyes, blanking out the rest of the room and leaving her only that single entity to gaze upon, the rest of the room, nay, the rest of the world not existing for that brief moment her eyes were blessed enough to capture that image. Her eyes moved on their own accord, tracing the curves and edges of the figure, Kali’s face beginning to flush as her mind began to wander to strange thoughts brought on by the conversation she had overheard earlier suddenly feeling her comment could have been ill-advised, who was she to judge craving such a form as the one before her when her own body betrayed her own intentions. Lost in her own thoughts, the voice of the Goddess’s words seemed to gently drift through her scattered mind with its musical melody, guiding her mind back to the reality at hand. Each of her words were like the sweet whispers of an Angel, it was both such a sweet sound to listen to but commanded power and authority, keeping Kali from drifting into none to appropriate thoughts as she hung onto every word. Still captivated, Kali listened with bated breath as the Goddess gave hints of her plight, the thought of such a figure being left abandoned by all of her followers pulled at Kali’s heartstrings. And then the Goddess’s gaze drifted over to Kali, Kali’s own hazel eyes meeting those piercing emerald pools of the Goddess’s. It was but a simple gesture, and yet Kali felt as though her entire body and soul was laid bare to the Goddess, the way she smiled as her gaze held her own made her entire body feel as though it was melting, a warm spreading through to every corner of her form in the most pleasant ways possible! It was just a look and yet the intensity of her eyes were overpowering, Kali feeling as though she may burn up on the spot. Thankfully the Goddess eyes drifted down to her hands, Kali turning to her head to the side quickly as she felt her entire face burn, no doubt she was blushing enough to be noticed even through the white make-up she had used earlier. Her eyes yearned to drift back to that visage of perfection, but Kali did not trust herself with such an action just yet. She wished to listen and pay attention to the musical voice of this godly figure. After the Goddess had spoken and Anela had directed her question, Kali gently shook her head, finally able to find her voice she found her voice on the verge of trembling from such unsavoury desires [b]“How could we be disappointed? And how could you question her divinity”[/b] She asked, taking a shaky breath to calm her nerves [b]“Just to be in your presence feels like a blessing, a…[/b]” Kali paused as she struggled to form the words in her mind [b]”Unearthly gift that I can barely comprehend. And don’t pretend you can’t feel it as well[/b]” She directed at the other woman in the room. Though Anela was composing herself far better than Kali was in the presence of this Divine being, it was apparent to all it was still having an effect