A demon walked out of the woods with a confident stride, its most notable features its tail and the two massive spikes protruding from its back. Vreskrr looked down, staring at the demon reflected in a puddle of water. [i]Looking good today[/i] she thought to herself, before moving on. After a little while of walking Vreskrr stumbled upon a village. It looked like a busy town, but upon closer inspection most of the inhabitants just loitered a bit, occasionally shambling around a little. A few individuals [b]did[/b] stand out, though. A pair of females having a conversation -the only ones at that- and a figure clad in robes covered in demonic runes. Vreskrr was about to approach the robed figure when a figure on the rooftop blocked off the sun, casting his shadow over her before jumping off and slaying a few zombies. The figure called out to everyone claiming they would have a similar goal. [i]Right, the same goal.[/i] Vreskrr thought before impaling a zombie with her spear. Using the impaled zombie to push through the horde, Vreskrr made her way to the 'confident' warrior. "So, little man, if we have the same goal, what would this be, hmm?" She spoke in a mocking tone.