“Sure, trust the blind girl to patch you back up. What could go wrong, right?” Amy smiled sarcastically, wondering what the hell he was referring to when he mentioned Skelly. She did genuinely like the man’s accent though, if only because it was different and goodness knows Amy appreciated the hell out of accents. They broke the monotony of having to listen to similar voices all the time. It’s like being stuck listening to one specific music genre; there isn't any sort of variety. “But really, thank you,” she added minus the sarcasm, “I promise I won’t be this much of a bother once I become familiarized with the ship. The first day or two is always the hardest, then it's easy as cake. But you know, what can you do when they throw an assignment on you at the very last possible moment." Amy found the door frame again and braced herself for departure, hoping to all hell that they just hadn't sent her to her death. [@Rultaos]