Feon turned to see a lady in knights armor approach her asking if the Tyrant had really done such a thing to this town. "Fraid so kid, The Hero has betrayed us. But I'm here to fix that, and stop him." Feon said to Leila before looking at the broken houses. "I wasn't here during the event's of this attack, but it has the marks of the Tyrant." Feon added answer Leilas earlier question. Feon looked around the area as she realized that her rumor spreading had payed off. From what she could tell a man in leather armor had appeared, so had what seemed to be a lizard man of some sorts shouting towards the others in the area. A grin spread onto Feon's face as she walked towards the lizard man. The undead in the area continued to just shamble around aimlessly. Obviously they were made by an ameteur necromancer. "Good to know someone here came to the rumor and realizes that others are here for similar reasons. Isn't it Rem?" Feon said speaking to no one in particular. "Guess I should introduce myself. I am the one who spread that rumor about there being a way to defeat the Tyrant. Of course this rumor is actually true, but no one person can defeat him. It's gonna take quite a few of us to do so." Feon stated now talking loudly as if she was talking to an audience. "Those of you willing to listen to me will come here and show your selves. I'm not the only one who spread that rumor after all." Feon added holding up a hand as if presenting something imaginary. "Although, it might be better if I let Remus here talk too." Feon added finally stating the name of the demon lord. "Before I get on with the explanation though I would like you all to state your names just like Ms. Leila here has. I am Feon, a monk and currently the only one able to communicate with the now dead Demon Lord Remus." Feon stated. She was cocky that was true, but she had her reasons to be at the moment.