Cecilia raised a slight eyebrow at the exchange, watching them acutely, seeing how shaky they seemed. It was a rare she would come down to the material plane as a goddess, so she hadn't much experience on how mortals saw her, though she often still saw herself as at least partly mortal. Since she had been ascended, she still had human emotions, which she felt were different than those born deities. However it was surprising to see the pair so.. enamored by her presence already. Even more so, it seemed they both preferred the fairer of the genders. [i]'Strange...'[/i] she thought, but in her short time as a god, she had learned not all coincidences were pure luck. As Kali called Adela out on her bluff, Cecilia lightly crossed her arms, giving the shrine a moment of silence. [b][color=fd0347]"Hm.."[/color][/b] Even the small thoughtful sound echoed with the gentle melody of a sweet violin. Lowering her arms to her side, she appeared next to Kali within a breath, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder. [b][color=fd0347]"Do not fault her. You cannot blame her skepticism.. after all, how often have you met a goddess?"[/color][/b] she questioned with a smirk. [b][color=fd0347]"Even when I was mortal, I did not meet Caitlyn but twice - the Goddess of Justice."[/color][/b] Letting her hand fall, she took a few steps towards Adelan and offered an understanding smile. [b][color=fd0347]"So proof you shall have."[/color][/b] In a blink, she had appeared next to one of the wooden chairs and placed a hand on it. Slowly, as if for effect, the oak wood started to change into a blue wood with a silver shine to it. After it had transformed, it was obvious that the wood was from a rare magical tree called a Silverwood, in which the transformation started to infect the rest of the oak as well. It was well known in the lands that even the most powerful of mages had to use words or gestures (and in the case of journeyman and below, both) to cast magic, but Cecilia had done so without either and so effortless. [b][color=fd0347]"I always had an eye for this wood.."[/color][/b] she said with a soft coo to her tone. Then turning to the pair, she waved her hand and smiled. [b][color=fd0347]"Also, always enjoyed this style of dress.. it looks nice, don't you agree?"[/color][/b] Cecilia wasn't normally one to show off, so even in her tone she sounded humble, but Adela did ask for proof. They both realized that they were dressed in a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ef/32/db/ef32dbbca99adb5a4fa5fad719afb9ce.jpg]different out[/url] than before. The goddess then gestured to one of the, now Silverwood, tables where two sets of clothes sat. [b][color=fd0347]".. just in case you wish to keep the outfits from before. I won't hold it against you if you don't share my taste. It's been hundreds of years and so these are from when I was still in power."[/color][/b] She leaned on her hip again, folding her arms in a content smile, admiring their outfits and how good they looked - though she wasn't exactly enamored like they were, she still appreciated beauty when it presented itself. She used to be so shy though, maybe becoming a goddess had really changed her.