Alexis heard the rumor of someone that could defeat the Tyrant. She knew that the one that spread the rumor probably was bluffing, no one could kill the Tyrant. No one alone that is. She had to see this with their own eyes. The shadow said that they shouldn't go, but unfortunately for the shadow...Alexis was in command. She was, as always, waking towards the village in what most would think be her Sunday dress, only black as the night. No weapons could be seen on her, not even a knife. A mad grin appeared on her face as she saw zombies moving around as if they were still alive. She started to laugh as she saw that zombies almost acted as if they were alive, moving around and doing nothing. "[color=silver] The classic life of a peasant [/color]" said Alexis in-between laughs. A zombie eventually came towards her trying to attack her, she smiled and then ran towards the center of the village, where others could be seen. Humans and non-humans. [i] Perfect [/i] she thought. As she approached the group, the zombie was following her , she started crying and yelled "[color=silver] Help, help. The undead have risen again. [/color]". She let a few tears go on her cheek and now, she looked perfectly harmless to anyone.