[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmIwNGFkOS5VbWxrWlhJLC4w/grecian-formula.regular.pngp[/img][/center] [center][color=92278f]Interacting with:[@Turboshitter][@Grey][@Eklispe][/color][/center] Rider was certainly disappointed with the people her master called a friend. Did she really have to deal with these people? Surely her master could do so much better then this professor and his disgusting, filthy, unshaven, wretched, backwater urchin of a servant. So it made her happy when she did some damage to his foot. She knew he would be able to heal it off. Any mage worth their tax should be able to heal such a minor injury. It still felt good all the same. She stayed silent in the corner listening to what was being spoken, ignoring the professor's comments about condoms whatever they were, his tone of voice seemed to implicit something of a sexual nature to them. So she ignored it. She didn't think of her master in that way. He was a tool to her currently in order to sustain her existence. She was just playing along with a nicety-nice act. It was certainly easier when her Master was probably the most respectable person in this room. [i]Sorry, Rider. These guys are our allies, so I think we kind of has to tell them. Don't worry, though, you can trust them. The professor's a creep, but he's not a bad guy. Usually...[/i] Her master's voice was coming through clearly in her mind. Certainly, she was going to use this link to speak a word of her mind [color=92278f]"Master I am about to list everything I dislike about these two while you talk to them. I expect you to listen to everything I say without failure..."[/color] She started as she spoke across the link for what seemed like hours when in reality it was only a few minutes. [color=92278f]"...and thats why I believe the professor is a scam and his servant is a joke. Honestly, you deserve so much better. I might not be able to see them but I bet they are both either as ugly as their apparent nature or lucky enough to be given a face a mother could love before I mold it into what it should be!"[/color] She finished having finally vented all her frustrations across the telepathic link so only Ren could hear. She sighed very apparently as she relaxed again. Rider didn't have much to do but to watch her master. She couldn't do any reading with her eye mask nor did she want to leave her masters side with those [i]people[/i] in the room, so she defaulted to what a servant should always do. Protect and serve. Protect and [i]serve[/i] Protect and [i]Lecture her master on how to have a backbone[/i]