[quote=@TheWindel] *Kicks [@KoL]* [/quote] -gets away with it- [quote=@KoL] No, no, I didn't meant that part. I was talking about a more sinister plot going in the background, since you've mentioned that there's still quite a lot of distrust toward anything supernatural. So, maybe there could be some baddies out there to add some tension later on. That said, since learning to use powers is part of the story, I already think that everyone is a bit quirky already, in a way or another. [/quote] Yea I thought it would be pretty cool to have some underground facility under the school with like stuff you aren't allowed to see but that would somewhat end the rp when that is solved hehe. A bit too much for a slice of life. Still adding baddies around the perimeter kidnapping students would be pretty rad XD