There was a small jolt when the plane began to move straight up, and Bonny looked out the window to see the ground grow farther and farther away. It was a little nerve wracking, seeing the ground move away so quickly, but luckily they started to fly forward after they had gotten some altitude. She continued to look out the window for a little bit, watching the now tiny people and cars drive and walk around, before her escort grabbed her attention again. Remy. His name was Remy. “Nice to know your name, Remy. I’m Bonny, as I’ve… already said and you already knew”. She furrowed her brow for a second in thought before speaking again. “You used to teach there though, right? What’s it like? What did you used to teach? And do you just pick up random students that are found that you have no idea what they do and escort them now for a living, or is this like a side job or something?” He seemed like a drama teacher to her, with how… dramatic he was, but that wasn’t the most pressing question she had posed. There was silence for only a second as she added one last question to the pile; one that she thought she should know the answer to, “Do … do the people there know what my powers are?”. The last question held a tone of nervousness to it- she would prefer to keep that information to herself for as long as she safely could. In case people got … uncomfortable around her.