[center][h1][b]Albert Prelati[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Berserker ([@Grey]), Leon & Saber ([@vancexentan])[/center] [center][h2]Jonathan's base of operations - 2:32 PM December 2nd, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]Albert sneered at the enemy Berserker's sexist comments towards his Servant. "What a lovely man 'e is. Truly a gentleman and a scholar, zis one." But he was curious. Why did his own Servant not use Mad Enhancement to boost her abilities? Had she not understood his command? Or was this simply another aspect of her pride? He winced in pain. Even with the field gone (all thanks to Berserker no not that one), he could still feel the residual effects like red hot needles tickling his nerve endings. His Circuits needed stretching and some time to heal, and time was something they couldn't afford to waste while Berserker was still in the area. Luckily, he had an idea. He checked the positions of his wraiths. Still regrouping. The field had momentarily disrupted his ability to exert fine-tuned control over the summoned spirits, causing them to drift farther apart. It would mean further delays before they could hope to corner Berserker or force a retreat. What he needed most was to buy a few more seconds of time. Immobilize Berserker and catch him off-guard. He gave the order. At that moment, Albert's fairies dove out of the thick cloud of dust and smoke they'd been hiding in, two of them trailing a large strip of cloth cut out from the hotel curtains. With the efficiency and grace of tiny fighter pilots, they wrapped the cloth around Berserker's left leg, tripping him up and hopefully yanking him to the floor with an upward motion. Though they could not hope to do more than deter the Servant for a moment, let alone hold him, they could do all they needed to do. Thirty-four pairs of arms grabbed Berserker from below, grasping and clawing at any point of purchase they could find in his flesh. The wraiths rose from the floor, piling on top of him like a solid mass and weighing him down until he couldn't move. While their ability to interfere physically with the material plane was low as mere individuals, together they could hold him. At least for a little while. Albert looked down on the enemy Berserker from the floor above. "I am afraid you and your Master 'ave underestimated me, you musclebound oaf. You zink you can just walk out of 'ere after all you've said and done? No no no, mon petit chien. I fight for my own future," he boasted. "And ze one I see is one wiz you dead on ze ground." He turned to his own Berserker. "Ma chère? 'E's all yours." [/hider] [center][h1][b]Ren Mizushima[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Rider ([@1Charak2]), Sosthenes ([@Grey]), Lancer ([@Eklispe])[/center] [center][h2]Fuyuki City, Miyama Town - 2:06 PM December 2nd, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]Though it seemed at first that he wasn't registering all of Rider's insults about his mentor and the Servant neither of them really knew, Ren did take notice of Rider's words. Just perhaps not the parts she'd wanted him to. [i]Wait, you can't see them?[/i] he asked incredulously, but then he immediately began backpedaling. [i]I-I mean obviously you couldn't with that blindfold on, but I thought you must have been using some kind of magic that allowed you to see through it. You mean you really can't?[/i] Ren thought briefly about how he might fix this issue before dopily remembering who Rider had introduced herself as. The fact that she was Medusa, or at least claimed to be, did worry him a little, but it explained a lot about her current predicament and what he might be able to do to solve it. The answer was so easy in fact it seemed almost mundane to someone so well-versed in the subject. [i]Rider,[/i] he began before correcting himself. [i]I mean Medusa... do you want me to call you "Rider" or "Medusa"? I mean I can do either-! Wait, that was stupid of me, nevermind... Ummm... that blindfold. It's for your Mystic Eyes, right? The Mystic Eyes of Petrification? The lost Jewel-class ocular magic that nobody has possessed since the Age of Gods? If... if that's why you can't see, I think I might have a fix for that.[/i] Ren sat up, and did a quick jog up the stairs to his room. Fumbling around with the nightstand, he clumsily pulled out a drawer that was full of unused pairs of glasses. Glasses like the ones he wore, as a matter of fact. He rummaged through them, looking for a pair that he thought Rider might like. Eventually he settled on a simple wireframe set with oval lenses. Tough, durable and no-nonsense, like her. He rushed back downstairs carrying the glasses, leaving the drawer lying open on his bed. Excited, perhaps more than was reasonable, Ren said "Try these!" and pressed the glasses into Rider's open palms. "They're Mystic Eye Killers," he said aloud. "They should help suppress the effects so you don't have to wear that blindfold anymore." Truth be told he was supremely curious to see what Rider's eyes looked like. Both because she was already beautiful even with the blindfold on, but also because so few people had ever gotten to see the Gorgon's eyes up close, and fewer still could claim to have survived. He felt like he'd be joining an exclusive club if he could catch a glimpse of them. Ren Mizushima would be the first mage in millennia to gaze upon the Mystic Eyes of Petrification. People had written entire thesis papers based on less than that! Plus, he thought, blushing a little, he wanted to be helpful to Rider if he could... [/hider]