[quote=@BKburke] I specifically said this about it. "He wears a necklace that allows him to take human form though this does not hide his demonic aura from holy figures trained to sense it." So technically no, you would have to be a "holy figure" such as a priest, paladin, cleric, or something along those line. I didn't make any other real specifications on it and that is my fault. But I am willing to be fair and say, you would be able to sense something about him but would not be able to identify it. That is if you and the GM are ok with that. GM's decision in the end though. [/quote] "Holy Figure" goes in more than one way actually. Due to his character being what she is, I imagine that being an evil holy figure like her allows her to sense that he is a demon. But I would hope that she would be smart enough to not mention that he is a demon to the public