"I see..." Leila answered, sounding a little dejected. Their conversation was cut short with a lizard man suddenly leaping down from the roof, taking down a couple of zombies with his attack. Then, he loudly called for anyone who was there hiding to come out. Leila never thought of that possibility. Her mind was entirely focused on the destruction of the village that she neglected the possibility that others might come to check out things too. The rumor? She had known about it before she came here. It was yet another reason why she went here, though she had already fully expected the possibility that it was just a hoax, or even worse, a trap. So this woman was responsible for the rumor, huh? She just wanted to gather strong people to bring down the Hero. If it came to that, then she would be ready to fight. ...Wait, did she hear that right? Did she say the name of the Demon Lord, Remus? She said she could communicate with him. Fishy. That was definitely fishy. "Hey, what do you mean that you can communicate with Remus? Isn't he dead already? Are you one of his minions?" Leila said with a raised voice, her hand readied at her blade. Her alarm bells rang even harder when a literal demon suddenly came out of nowhere and walked towards them. She just ignored her as she addressed the lizard man. And then another person showed up. Thankfully, he seemed to be human from what she could tell. He walked towards the brawler and introduced himself. "Careful! This girl apparently had some connections to the demon lord!" she warned him. Now she had no idea what to do. Should she strike right away at the demoness? She didn't look to be hostile, and she herself wasn't sure that she could take her on. And then there was still the matter of the suspicious brawler. Could it be that she just stumbled upon a gathering for the remains of the demon lord's army? She shook her head. She had to stay calm in a situation like this. She concluded she would adopt the wait and see approach for now. With her blade's grip still in her hand, she waited for the brawler's explanation.