Slightly confused, Vreskrr assessed the situation. Random crying woman, check. Oblivious zealot, check. Shady figure trying to blend in...Concluding she had found herself in some silly soap opera, Vreskrr decided to 'handle' the situation. Pulling her spear from her zombie-meatshield, Vreskrr charged the spear, aimed it and shot a beam past the crying woman, barely passing next to the woman's cheek and hitting a zombie behind her. Vreskrr turned towards the 'zealot'. [b]"I wouldn't suggest picking a fight here girly, with the undead and all. So remove that hand from there will you?"[/b] She spoke in a voice that was clearly not human before adjusting to a more serious tone. [b]"--If you don't, I'll have to."[/b] Laughing in a manner befitting her demonic voice, Vreskrr turned to perhaps the most interesting person around. [b]"I don't know much about this rumor, but Remus? I thought he'd perished. Well, not that I care all that much, I've been feeling better than ever since I quit his army."[/b] After a moment of uninterrupted silence Vreskrr sighed. [b]"Geez, enthusiastic much? Fine, I'll play by your game then."[/b] Vreskrr took a step forward, unimpressed by Leila who was visibly on guard against her. [b]"Call me Vreskrr. I might not know much about this rumor of yours or your plan, but I'll play along for now."[/b]