Name: Pieter DeSielva the Younger Age: 24 Sex: Male Race: Human Appearance: A handsome youth with a wide, cheerful face. Always wearing clothing that's ahead of the current fashion trends, sometimes setting the tone for the Vanaran season. Pieter almost always carries a musical instrument, and carries his sketching supplies with him in a leather satchel. Pieter wears a meticulously kept flintlock, and will occasionally sport a showy side-sword, though he hardly knows how to use it. Very few people know that he hides a poisoned stiletto on him. [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Loud, flamboyant, charming, witty, brilliant. Pieter is a natural in the courts of the nobles. His detractors would call him a sycophant, though few would dare say that in front of his friends, who are numerous and loyal. Pieter is a regular fixture among Vanaran artists, frequently collaborating and assisting his friends in their works. Pieter is Behind his excessive braggadocio, however, is a cunning spy and, if need be, a cruel assassin Pieter is deeply loyal to the House of Delorano, and grieved deeply for the loss of Leon, vowing to protect and serve the future of the House as best he could. Biography: Born to the successful Venaran painter, Pieter the Elder who was patronized by Leon Delarno. Pieter's mother died in childbirth giving birth to him. Pieter the Elder took his young son with him everywhere, and when Leon Delarno learned of Pieter's plight, he offered for Pieter the Younger to share Lucien's wet nurse. Leon and Pieter the Elder had as much a friendship as two men of such different classes could. As Pieter grew older, his father taught him his craft, expecting his son to follow him in his stead as a painter for nobility. His father also taught Pieter his first musical instrument, the pan pipes. Pieter was a frequent play mate of Lucien, and Nalia, when she was younger. When Pieter was 10 his father was mortally wounded after getting attacked by a jealous artist seeking Leon's favor. Saddened by the loss of his friend and favorite artist, Leon chose to take Pieter the Younger into his household. As Pieter grew older, he developed an even deeper love of music, throwing himself bodily into the pursuit. He was the constant companion of Lucien, being his closest conspirator, and later, Lorenzo. Pieter had played lookout for Lucien when he snuck aboard the [i]Maid[/i]. Pieter spent some time as a scene painter and troubadour with a thespian troupe on the mainland for a while, seeing more of the world. He returned to Vanara shortly before the plague befell the city. During the plague, Pieter became something of a spy for Anathagos Vain, using his grace and charm as an asset for his beloved house. Since the death of Leon, Pieter's efforts have doubled in his desire to save his adopted House. Position In House Delorano: Courtesan, House Musician, Spy Equipment: Mandolin, Pan Pipes, pianoforte (in his chamber), an incredibly stylish wardrobe, art supply satchel, flintlock, poisoned stiletto. Skills: ([b]Human[/b]: Grace +1) [b]Gifted[/b]: Grace, Skullduggery [b]Above Average[/b]: Athleticism, Reputation, Acumen [b]Deficient[/b]: Dueling, Archery