Not sure if I can dedicate all of my time, but in the case I can, here's a WIP. As it stands right now, I'm mostly based on Mars with a few holdings in the form of stations elsewhere in the system. There's probably some things I missed in the course of the this thread's life so do tell me if I have made such mistakes. In case its not abundantly clear from what I've said in the sheet, I DO NOT OWN ALL OF MARS. [hider=The Mechanicus] [b]Faction Name:[/b] The Mechanicus (Most Common) The Holy Mechanical Technocracy of Mars (Official) Machine Kingdom Kingdom The Cult Collective The Cult Mechanicus [b]Faction Government:[/b] Theocratic-Oligarchical-Monarchy (its complicated) Ruled by the Archmagos from the Fortress-Forge of Rediron Prime, the Archmagos has complete control over the military, spiritual and economic aspects of the entire Mechanicus. The title is technically non-hereditary and supposidly a meirtocracy but given the politicking that goes on, more often then not "dynasties" are established from the ruling elite. Supporting the position of Archmagos is the Fabricator Counsel which contains advisers, representatives and general underlings who help in the administration of the Omnissiah's hollowed lands. The Current Archmagos is one Alwyne Sydonia, third of his line. [b]Territory/Claims:[/b] The Mechanicus holds considerable claims of land on Mars, although not all. Their territory is easily marked by massive manufactory-temples and hive cities that cram millions into their lands with thick pollution and rivers of molten metals and a network of pipes and wires going everywhere. Beyond Mars, the also have claims to a handful mining and research stations in the astroid belt as well as on an undisclosed moon of Jupiter as well as at least one gas mining station on Venus. [b]Culture:[/b] It's been a long time, and a lot of people from a lot of different places have given birth to a lot of descendants. Do you hold an old culture from Earth dear? Have you naturally developed one over the years? Did you purge the old and invent a new culture in some kind of space nationalist revolt? Give us an idea of how your people think, act, and even greet each other if you like. The Mechanicus put the "cult" in "culture"; their way of life is something never seen on Earth although one could make connections to cultures such as German and Japanese, even if only in the most superficial of industrial work ethics. Many non-believers see it as a cult of machine worship although that is only partly true. Knowledge and enlightenment are key components for the Cult Mechanicus; the object of worship is the Machine God is an immanent and omnipotent spirit that governs all technology, machinery and knowledge in Creation. The Machine God is believed to be friendly to humanity, and to be the originator of all human technological and scientific knowledge. According to the teachings of the Cult Mechanicus, knowledge is the supreme manifestation of divinity, and all creatures and artifacts that embody knowledge are sacred because of it. This deity is not a person, but rather a force immanent in the universe. For unspecified reasons, it has appointed humans as its chosen people, and reveals its true designs and machines to them through selected prophets. In order to interact with the physical world it was also prophesied to create a physical avatar, called the Omnissiah. Machines are seen holy and much stronger than that of flesh for to the Cult, the flesh is weak and iron is strong. A near fetishization of implants, prosthetics and bionics are wide spread amongst the the people, becoming increasingly common and complex the higher up the social ladder you go. Some of the highest members of society are said to be more machine than man at this point. The lower classes try to emulate this in the vain hope of mimicking the upper social echelons to one day become them through cruder, simpler attachments to their bodies or even just tattoos. The AI who have both converted and created by the Mechanicus share a similar zeal and have proven to be loyal allies and followers, perhaps out of the fact that their existence is treated as a semi-mythic thing in of itself. Many wealthy nobles have their children "bonded" to an AI in which the natural brain of man is combined with the logic subroutines of an AI, creating something new entirely. While the Mechanius see such a perfect hybrid of man and machine as sacred and beautiful, to the rest of the system it varies from curious to horror. [b]History:[/b] A summary of the faction’s history, pretty straightforward. Start around the colonial era depending on when it was involved (a lunar nation's history would begin with the founding of the first colony in its territory, while an Earth nation's would start from when it became involved in space colonization). Remember that most of early colonization (up until the deeper parts of the asteroid belt) was done by corporations here. [b]Technology:[/b] An overview of the faction’s technological capabilities. Keep in mind the general scale I outlined. If there are any questions, PM me. [b]Military:[/b] The military/policing arm of the Mechanicus, the Skitarii, is long seen as a merciless machine by many. Unflinching and robotic in their movements, with no remorse or compassion to an inhuman extent. This is partially due to the intesive implants many of the soldiers have and the fact they are often literally controlled by their commanding officer in a manner akin to remote controlled toys. While the grunts see themselves as the holy weapons of the Omnissiah's brilliance, the commanders just see them as assists and machines to be used in any manner they deem fit. [/hider]