[center][color=#9F79EE][h3]L I L Y[/h3][/color] [sub]How do we arm every boy and girl? Tell me how do we live after the end of the world?[/sub] [img]http://elements4life.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Page-Break-7.png[/img] Bright blue eyes stared back at her from the mirror, fear and determination shining in the orbs. [color=#9F79EE]"You can do this."[/color] The whisper had nearly been inaudible but she still froze and perked her ears up for any indication that the things outside had heard her, a habit she had developed in the past three days of moving around her house like a ghost. When she didn't hear anything clawing to get in, she turned back to her reflection in the bathroom mirror. [color=#9F79EE]"Don't be a wimp. Alec needs you. Be the brave girl he was always telling you, you were."[/color] After her little pep-talk she nodded to herself and began braiding her hair away from her face. She hadn't watched many zombie movies but she knew that people got easily caught from having lose hair for the zombies to grab onto. With it in its braid, she grabbed one of Alec's baseball caps off the counter and tucked her hair up into it, turning her head from side to side before nodding in satisfaction. With her jeans and long-sleeved shirt, if she tilted her head down so her face was obscured, she kind of looked like a boy. She exited the bathroom silently, heading to her room. She gazed around, worried she would never see it again before she shook her head sharply. [color=#9F79EE][i]Don't think like that! You're going to get Alec then you're going to come home.[/i][/color] With another shake of her head, she turned to the backpack and supplies laid out on her bed. As her eyes ran over the supplies, she ran through a mental check list. She was probably missing items that would be helpful but she had never been camping before nor has she experienced an apocalypse so she wasn't exactly well-versed in what one would need to survive. She was mostly going off of what the people had in the movies. Water. [color=#9F79EE][i]Check.[/i][/color] Food. [color=#9F79EE][i]Check.[/i][/color] First-Aid kit. [color=#9F79EE][i]Check.[/i][/color] Rope. [color=#9F79EE][i]Check.[/i][/color] Duct Tape. [color=#9F79EE][i]Check.[/i][/color] Blanket. [color=#9F79EE][i]Check.[/i][/color] Matches. [color=#9F79EE][i]Check.[/i][/color] She then turned to the metal box resting next to her backpack and lifted the lid with slightly trembling hands. She knew Alec had thought he was being smart by hiding it under his bed but Lily was a curious child and had found out about it a while ago, but unlike some children, she was smart enough to know it wasn't to be played with. But she wasn't playing anymore. The gun gleamed up at her and her fingers halted inched away from the metal. She took a deep, centering breath before wrapping her fingers around the handle, making sure to keep her finger away from the trigger. Under normal circumstances, Alec would be furious at her for touching but she hoped he wouldn't mind this time considering it could very well save her life. she grabbed the harness for the weapon and threaded it through her belt along with the knife that had also been in the case. With both weapons secured, she pulled on her jacket then grabbed her backpack, shrugging it on as she went downstairs quietly. She tiptoed to the back door and peeked out into the backyard. So far the zombies had stayed to the front of the house and the street where most of the noise was. So if she slipped out the back door and under the fence, she should hopefully be fine if she stuck to the alley. Plus, she had been observing the zombies the past three days and she noted that they were pretty slow and as long as you were quiet and stayed out of sight, you would be fine. She could run pretty fast if she needed to so she was sure she would be able to make a quick getaway. She would just need to keep on her toes and alert for danger. She squared her shoulders as she rested a hand on the door knob. She cast one last glance back into the silent house before she turned the handle slowly and quietly, thanking the fact that Alec kept the hinges on the door well oiled. She slipped out quietly and shut the door soundlessly behind her. She then tiptoed across the grass, avoiding the leaves littering the ground as she made it to a section of fence that was loose enough to slide to the side. She peeked out, looking around for any sign of the dead. When there was none, she crawled out and slid the board gently back into place. With that, she began walking, quickly and quietly as she glanced around constantly. She knew which direction the city was in but not which streets to take to get there, though maybe the gas station not far from here would have a map. With that in mind, she cut through the alley's as she made her way towards the gas station. [/center]