Kythe continued to take out any of the corpses that got too close to him as the monk shouted back to him and everyone else in the village, identifying herself as the one that spread the rumor and one capable of speaking to the late demon lord, interesting. more commotion stirred with a few latecomers and a demon that came up to him but moved on before he had a chance to respond to what she had said. Tensions seemed to flare and wane between some of them, namely the knight whose name he'd yet to hear and Vreskrr. That coupled with the appearance of a frantic girl, Jason coming down from the roof, and the spice-smelling man coming out to question Feon's validity was really turning into quite a spectacle. The sorceress made her way into things as well, but rather than get involved she found a seat to set herself as an observer, and with her being the only one he was sure of before he decided to start there, at least if he was to get something down before all the shambling corpses caught on to this group. He made his own way over and leaned on the back of the bench next to her "you, I recognize your scent at least but I never got close enough to hear your name" he paused for a moment as someone made a racket down the street, sparing a quick glance he saw an elf he was able to recognize as one of the Hero's former companions, that'll wind up being dealt with soon enough, for now he looked back at the Demonic Sorcerer he was close to "I'm Kythe, and I believe we share an enemy"