Kolonis would find the presence of the Lizan to be an odd concept in normal scenarios, but again, it was no normal scenario that was present in the town. Their part of the world was one she had very little experience with. This individual seemed marginally familiar, but if she knew him, it was in a very secondary capacity. She had spent most of her time on specific targets, and others were either all but ignored or given scrutiny to the point that she would know them from anywhere, in any form. Plainly the one who sat besides her was one of the former. Though most beings, and indeed, most demons she knew freely gave their names, Kolonis was not the type to do so freely. She wouldn't be surprised if it came out naturally, as there was a good chance that if nobody else the other demon would make a connection, but she wouldn't be the one to remove one of her presently few advantages. "What's the name to you?" she replied almost absentmindedly as she attempted to make sense of the energies in the village. They were becoming clear now, and she was beginning to sift through and identify what magic was what, and in what quantities. I'll need to recreate the runewords. Said runewords lasted thousands of years, yet thousands of years had passed, and she wasn't gathering the signals quite the way she used to. She almost missed the comment about the hero being a shared enemy. "It may appear that we do, but neither of us know for sure just which side the other is on, or indeed what side all of them are on," she replied with a gesture at the group. She doubted the lizan besides her was an advocate of the hero; it simply struck her as being unlikely. Nonetheless, she had no plans of being an open book, and a lizan was only a few steps above a human.