[@Turboshitter][@Grey] ==== [color=00a651]"Making a Geas Scroll isn't something one can do on the fly. Besides I'm not fond of writing down stuff with my blood anymore than I have today."[/color] Leon bluntly asserted himself remembering the fact that his fingers still hurt from hours it took the write the one he did already write. [color=00a651]"More over I don't have any paper to write it down on."[/color] Leon said feeling the need to point out the obvious lack of any writing sources. His scroll was the only thing he had written down. [color=ec008c]"Writing one's own name down on those accursed scroll would be mind numbingly pointless anyways. It would bind me, and my friend but not the sniper child. So in order to restore this order peacefully call on your fae allies. I'll give you five minutes to make clear of the area before I disperse them. To make it clear though Berserker I order you as your master protect me if they attack me before the time limit is up. Now then...Though I hardly trust the word of a no good brat magus I will put my faith in your heroic spirits. That one next to you isn't yours is he? Then he shouldn't be helping you. That means he's an honorable fool above all else. And the girl wouldn't let herself live this down if she wasn't the one who killed my Berserker now would she? This battle is over but the war isn't per say. So call your familiars quickly. I have a time table to keep, and a Russian Mafia boss to track down after I'm done playing nice with you kids."[/color] the below flatly said as he pulled the black keys from the nearby wall and put one of them away keeping one in his hand. [color=bc8dbf]"A wise call Albert. I agree with this scenario."[/color] Saber said simply as Leon frowned he had hoped Saber wouldn't be the type to need additional support to force an agreement like this to it's natural conclusion. The man next to Albert backed off but didn't lower his gun. [color=fff79a]"Come at me when you're ready kid. I'll be in this city until you shitty magi get done with your war. Then I'm going back to saving innocent people from your type of scum."[/color] the man said with clear disgust for Albert and Saber whom pulled the slab of wood in his hands back. [color=00a651]"On a scale from one to fucked I'd definitely say the situation is heading towards the latter really quickly..."[/color] Leon grumbled as he took one last look at the room Berserker was in. He saw Jonathan's blood trickling down the floor into the bottom room. However as the bounded field of Durandal activated Leon could feel Saber tense up and he had to immediately tell him not to do what he intended to do. [i][color=00a651]"Not yet! Not here! If we do it here this whole thing will go to shit!"[/color][/i] Leon begged Saber who despite his shaking hands and fierce desire to actually do something meekly obeyed the will of his master and didn't conjure his formerly holy blade into existence. The man whom had the bomb strapped to his body spit on the floor. [color=ec008c]"You know nothing of my faith beast. When I had no where else to go I gave myself to god. And I have saved countless lives in my time. In exchange my blood covered hands will never know the touch of our messiahs. That is the simple fate I have accepted. My life for others."[/color] the man said flatly. As Berserker laughed heartily at this whole nonsensical situation he gave Berserker a shake of his head but accepted the cup. [color=ed1c24]"Heh...Fine I'll give you that woman. You're at least interesting. But I'm surprised you're not more in awe of my presence. Beowulf 'The Bear of Geatland' is what they call me now of days right? I am the [i]original[/i] berserker. It's my duty to teach saplings like you how to be a real warrior. Your lord god is nothing to me but I respect a person for whom it's worth. Even if I have to fight the same stupid blade twice in two days."[/color]. Saber, and Leon had also composed their attitudes and accepted the drinks with a nod though Leon's hands where shaking a little. [color=ed145b]"As I said the bomb will not come off me. I can force Beowulf to attack with a command seal even this barrier cannot hold against their power. Take me at my word if nothing else."[/color] the man said flatly as he rejected Berserker's offer of tea. [color=ec008c]"As for the contract I've said my words I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than to stoop to a level of unfairness such as that."[/color] The gunsmen whom had been assisting the enemy master took his tea and turned around and took a sip after moving his mask up slightly. But he turned around again before anyone could see his face. [color=fff79a]"Fucking bounded fields...this is why I prefer guns."[/color] the man grumbled to himself. [color=00a651]"Sorry Berserker as it stands...I kind of don't have the supplies."[/color] Leon said simply with a shrug.