[hider=Aria Atwood] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/88/c5/ea/88c5ea541580a960fdc6923c31ac4edf.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Aria Atwood Age: 21 Race: Irish/Caucasian Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Bisexual or Asexual, she hasn't figured it out herself. Occupation: She currently works full time at a pet store doing dog training classes. Personality: Aria seems shy and reserved when in large crowds. She doesn't usually speak up about issues if there are people already taking the issue on. It leads most people to think she's an introvert or unsocial. When with her friends though, she likes to crack stupid jokes and make terrible puns. She usually will act the same way with a small group unless she doesn't know anyone or is trying to seem cool for someone in the group. She doesn't much care what people think of her (as far as being goofy and weird) until she thinks someone is cute. She can be protective and kind and caring, but she will get her revenge if she feels betrayed. If you mess with her than you're likely to end up finding some small act of rebellion. Either she doesn't listen to what you say anymore, goes against everything you suggest, or tries to secretly turn your friends against you. It's usually not huge things, but she always feels accomplished when something goes wrong for someone who has wronged her. She tries not to let things get to her and sometimes she can "let them roll off her" but usually this just means she's holding a grudge, but not actually doing anything. It's all about passive aggressive revenge for her. She'll call you out on something wrong you've done in the nicest way possible. Style: [hider=outfit][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6a/59/05/6a59053bf92167d9f790214a7b2a951f.jpg[/img][/hider] Much like the outfit pictured above, Aria loves any big sweaters, scarves, skinny jeans, and boots she can wear. Most of her closet is full of scarves at the moment and she isn't strong enough to part with a single one. Boots are her best friend and she realizes that Miami doesn't actually call for that kind of footwear, but she is still planning to bring at least one pair along. In case of any bad weather. Bio/History: Aria's family has made sure she never wanted for anything. Her parents weren't particularly rich, but when she was young they took care of her and on top of that her aunt and uncle made sure they bought the best for their nieces. She thinks it's because they didn't have children of their own to spoil and Aria and her younger sister were the only two nieces they had. Growing up with parents who didn't have everything though, led her to lead a hard working life. She took up a job in high school to help get through school without having to ask for help and hopefully help with expenses for her sister. she started working at the pet shop just stocking shelves and has made her way up since then. She was so happy when they asked her to be an assistant in the dog training pin and it slowly began to be her area. She hadn't had much of a care for animals previously, but quickly fell in love with the puppies that would come in to her shop. That's how she met her best friend and current roommate, Asena. She had been working with the dogs for a while and Asena had brought in her dog, who wasn't listening very well to rules. They had ended up hanging out almost every week while Aria trained, Buddy, the dog. Prior to meeting Asena, Aria had never considered her sexuality. She had always assumed she was heterosexual with some tendencies towards women, but she'd never dated any so it couldn't be that big of a thing right? She found herself considering women more and more, but it seemed to be more platonic than anything sexual which led her to believe she may be asexual. She wasn't sure about coming when she had first gotten the letter expressing that she was invited to Miami. It seemed a little [i]too[/i] good to be true, but her family and friends had encouraged her to take it and she ended up agreeing. It's still scary as she's never been that far away from home for such a long time before. She might be considered more of a goody-goody, but she laughs at that idea. Thankfully, people can't read her mind or they would see some mean things. Relationships: [indent]♥Asena Jansen - Best Friend ♥Kayla Atwood - Mother ♥Peter Atwood - Father ♥Vivian Atwood - Sister[/indent] Other: [indent]●Her favorite color is yellow ●She loves sunflowers ●Almost took a job modeling a few years back ●Holds grudges forever ●She can be very vindictive when she feels betrayed[/indent][/hider] Had I missed anything [@WindsOfFate]?? I feel like I've missed something. Or let me know if anything needs changed on her.