[center][h2][color=gray]INTRO[/color][/h2]For some, it's just in their blood, always has been and always will be and there ain't nothin no one can do about it. They got that drive, a thirst and sense for adventure. For others it's an escape, either from something or someone. Maybe a deal went bad and someone's out to get 'em. Or maybe it's just the monotony of everyday life that's gonna kill em first. Either way no matter the background these people got one thing in common, they never had a choice... You see the black called to em, to the very essence of their soul, and they called right back. One things for sure. Once you got it in your bones it never ever truly goes away. It's not an easy life but it is 'life'. It's the closest thing you will ever find to how life was meant to be... Free.[/center][hr][sub][i]"God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the firepower to make the difference."[/i] [indent]-A common prayer for the Rim planets[/indent][/sub] [hr][center][h2][color=gray]BEGINNINGS[/color][/h2][/center]For one reason or another fate has brought you here. Prophet, the sixth planet in the Georgia system. Word has traveled that a silent wealthy sponsor is looking for a crew to man his private ship. A lot of personal freedoms and choice has been promised with the offer. It almost sounds too good to be true... It can't hurt to check it out though, right? [hider= planet details]Prophet P/2031(Georgia)14 Orbital Distance: 3.725 AU Rotational Period: 7.19 Years Surface Area: 347,747,418 km2 (68.2% that of Earth-That-Was) Population: 1,500,000 Terraformed: 2530 Affiliation: Independent[/hider]