[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] the Wyndham Estate (Physically)[/center][hr][hr]Virginia's mind drifted from her body, and she glanced at her dear friend Millicent. But then she practically glided through the maze of London, observing the slight changes in position. The mist had been the cause of the distress, and so, Virginia headed to where she had glimpsed it last. She smiled wryly, as much as a projection of one's mind can smile, for it had gone. It did not take her very long to guess as to where it had gone. She continued on in the direction of Almack's, taking in the scenery as she went. However, after a few minutes, a slight tug of pain occurred. If she continued to drift on, it would become more likely that she should never return to her corporal form. She would become stuck in this between until death, and while that possibility on its own was not troubling, she could not allow herself to vanish as her parents did, and abandon her brother. She could not force Millicent to act as his reagent. Besides, her task had been performed. She knew that a tragedy would strike at Almack's that night, the only question remained was to what purpose. Her mind drifted back to her body, and she awoke from her trance, and shook her head slightly at Millicent. Nothing new had been attained. It would perhaps be more practical to send word to Almack's to inform them that the event must be canceled, and then to travel to the corpse's destination physically. [color=9999ff]"Dear Millicent, please do not tread near Almack's tonight,"[/color] Virginia finally said. [color=9999ff]"I feel ever the more certain that it shall only bring death."[/color]