[quote=@Klomster] [@Necroes] Just a question. Is the bird thingy supposed to be some sort of generic (not at all tzeentch) deamon, or is it a lord of change? Since if it's a lord of change..... i'd suggest going for a run of the mill deamon instead. Since the other is obviously a hell knight of khorne, or a bloodcrusher as they are known as nowadays. Greater deamons are so muc hurt in such a small space, it would be difficult to summon one.... at all. Let alone in a couple of minutes. I'm just wondering here. [/quote] They are just heralds of their respective gods, tzeentch and khorne. The tzeentch one is a powerful psyker, whose dedication to his god has made him look exceedingly different than one would expect a puffed-up pink horror to look. However, that's ultimately all he is, a pink horror with notions of grandeur. The other is just an uppity bloodletter riding a juggernaut. Being heralds, they have reached an exalted status which would set them apart from the usual rank and file, and I took a bit of creative license with their appearance since they are specific warp entities, and not just whatever random daemons that happened to be listening in at the time, but yea... no greater daemons.