[hider=Hana] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dgChmKl.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VC0Uing.png[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=FF69B4]Name[/color] Hana Harper Hammad [color=FF69B4]Nicknames/Aliases[/color] Triple H - [i]normally causes a roll of the eyes or a groan.[/i] Hanna/Hannah - [i]again with the rolling eyes/groans as people mispell and mispronounce her name.[/i] [color=FF69B4]X-Men Code Name[/color] [i]may earn one in game[/i] [color=FF69B4]Gender[/color] Female [color=FF69B4]Age[/color] 17 [color=FF69B4]Physical Description[/color][/center]Hana stands at roughly 5'10" (178 cm), and weighs somewhere between 120 and 125 pounds. She has naturally blonde hair which she normally wears long, down to the middle of her back, and beautiful blue-green eyes. Her skin is fair and baby soft. Hana has a slim, tone figure due to genetics as well as regular exercise. Her clothing style is fashionable as she only wears name brands. [center][color=FF69B4]Personality[/color] Haughty | Vindictive | Sensual | Loyal | Honest [/center] [hr][hr][center][u][h3][color=00BFFF]Mutations[/color][/h3][/u][/center] [u][b][color=00CED1]Psychic Energy Manipulation[/color][/b][/u] - Hana can create, shape and manipulate psychic energy in various ways, including manifesting in material form. Though her powers are limited now, with time and training (and GM permission!) she may become quite a force to be reckoned with. [list] [*][color=008B8B][u]Psychic Shield[/u][/color] - Hana is highly resistant to any/all mental intrusion, including psychic or empathic powers, hypnosis, illusions, deception, etc. Novice and low level mind readers only “hear” static, while mind controllers are incapable of manipulating those shielded. Hana's psychic shield is always active. [*][color=008B8B][u]Psychic Wave Emission[/u][/color] - With this ability she can release a wave of psychic energy that can effect a diameter of 60 feet (or approximately 2827 square feet). This psychic wave can deflect any physical attack save from the most powerful of attackers, and knock most living beings on their ass. [*][color=008B8B]Psychic Aura[/color] - Hana can surround herself in psychic energy. An aura of baby blue energy envelops her entire body. This aura ripples and shimmers as Hana's hair clothing react as if a strong breeze is blowing around even though there is undoubtedly no wind. While generating this psychic aura Hana generally gives off a low level of light, though when angered the aura can become somewhat bigger fully lighting up a dark room and the ripple/wind effect becomes more violent.[list] [*][color=008B8B]Psychokinetic Force-Field[/color] - When this psychic aura is being manifested it provides Hana with a personal force-field that gives her a good deal of physical protection. Within this force-field Hana cannot be physically touched. While surrounded by the aura she is bullet-proof and can survive a 15 story fall without injury. The aura does not currently protect her from extreme temperatures or gaseous attacks. [*][color=008B8B]Jet Propulsion[/color] - A new power recently manifested gives Hana the ability to fly at tremendous speeds. With a great deal of concentration, Hana can direct her psychic aura downward and then behind herself to lift herself up and through the air presently at speeds upward of 75mph. While a thin layer of psychic aura surrounds her upper torso protecting her from wind resistance, the majority of her aura is concentrated towards her legs that leaves a blue flaming jetstream behind her much like an actual jet (see [url=http://comicvine.gamespot.com/cannonball/4005-1496/]Cannonball[/url]). As this is a newly manifested ability, Hana has yet to master the art of turning... and stopping. Her psychokinetic force-field is weakened when Hana is using it to fly in this way. But, with training this may change.[/list] [/list] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/49EEZWR.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][h3][color=FF69B4][u]Background[/u][/color][/h3][/center]Hana Hammad is the only child of an Palestinian immigrant and an American woman of Dutch descent. Her father, Bassam, is a professional American football player near retiring. Her mother, Alma, is a respected lawyer. Obviously, Hana comes from a wealthy upbringing. She has modeled on and off since she was 3 years old. And, for the past 10 years Hana has attended private schools. Hana and her family have lived in New York the majority of her life save for a three year period (from ages 6 to 9) where they lived in Los Angeles. [center][u][h3][color=00BFFF]Recap of your mutations awakening[/color][/h3][/u][/center] When she was 9 years old, Hana released a massive psychic wave while throwing a tantrum that not only knocked everyone on their rears, it knocked them completely unconscious. [hr][hr][center][b][u][color=BA55D3]NOTES[/color][/u][/b] Hana is fairly multilingual. She has taken three years of French, and she can speak Arabic somewhat fluently. She has yet to be trained to defend herself, but Hana does know how to tackle and chop block. [/center] [/hider]