"I'm more in awe that whoever went down to where the Xiis came out of." Bex whistled after the sentiment, examining the plans himself before pointing to one of the marked locations, a simple "X" emblazoned along a string of cylindrical objects that looked like pipes. "If this map uses the standard symbols, then this has gotta be an entrance to the sewer, right?" "The shape of the cylinders would indicate that." Abbeth commented, his breathliator exuding a minor gasp of surprise. "What is it?" "Chief, that's..." He traced his finger along the cylinder with the "X", snaking down towards the bottom half of the map where seemingly randomized dots within a larger square existed. "That's an entry point, yes, but it leads further down the moon, past even the Works and the Undercity." "So that means...?" "It means that whoever drew up these plans was going into uncharted territory and ran into these 'Xiis' creatures. Look at the dots? See how they're all clustered around the center of the square?" "Like ships on a radar terminal..." "Right...although I don't know how the scouts could have survived an encounter with the creatures. Maybe they marked pods? Where the creatures were once held and broke out of?" Yerbol nodded. "That would make a ton of sense. We've seen stasis tubes holding the Xiis. Renso showed us..." He waved off the potentially unbelievable story about their visions before adding: "Renso told us about the stasis tubes, that they were designed to keep them in a dormant state until they 'could be dealt with'." Bex snorted. "Could've at least pulled the plug on em when they were asleep." "It's a lot more complicated than that." "How?" Zora hissed, pointing in the direction of the bloodied carnage at the entrance. "They're dangerous, Force wielding maniacs that have super strength. What else is there to know?" "We can have these philosophical discussions at another time." Elara snapped, glaring at Zora, who stiffened and mumbled a "Yes ma'am" before Elara continued: "So we follow the map downward and see where it takes us. I like it when things are straightforward." __ "Chief, more over here." The normally reserved Elara cursed at the sight Zora pointed out, Yerbol grimacing at the gory display that was becoming a normal sight in the sewer tunnels they had descended into twenty minutes ago. Uniformed Alliance guards as well as unmarked civilians(who Yerbol assumed were maintenance workers judging by the tools that were laying close to some of the bodies) lay in various positions of agony, their faces betraying the intermingling of fear and disgust that naturally followed the appearance of any Xiis. Puncture wounds, disembowelment, crushed skulls and other gruesome forms of death were present, causing an unholy stench that was worse than even the reeking battlefields of Balmorra or the cold, rotten scent of burnt flesh on a desolate plain of ice on Hoth. More than once Yerbol thought of Renso's regret about meddling in affairs beyond his control and took his searing lessons to heart. The Xiis would be(ideally) the last egotistical mistake that a Force user made. They would make sure of it. After gingerly stepping over a downed Alliance soldier clutching a rifle to his chest, Yerbol spotted an opened grate that led at least twenty feet downward to a massive circular shaped room with a heaping pile of rubble in the center. In contrast to the rubble were the ornate etchings on the floor and walls that portrayed elaborate wisps or tendrils that wove around each other in a hypnotizing fashion. "Gotta be the ruins." Bex grunted as he withdrew several feet of durasteel chord from a pack handed to him by Abbeth, securing the chord around the grating and ominously warning; "Because the grate is the only thing that'll be a good anchor, it's going to shut when the last person gets down there." "We'll find a way out, Bex." Yerbol's assurance only caused a shake of the head the burly soldier, who motioned downward. "Let's see if we can." The grate slammed closed as Zora made her way down the rope, Yerbol looking over the ruins with a wary eye. There were three hallways, one extending in every direction except south, said direction blocked by huge chunks of stone that he doubted they could move, even with he and Aria's combined force. The north hallway ended abruptly, but two more doorways stood to either side, inviting the curious. East and West hallways snaked down into an even darker portion of the area. "We'll split up to cover more ground." Elara looked to the Force wielding duo and told them: "I suggest that you two decide on who's going where. I'll split my team up." Yerbol took another glance at either hallway before pointing at the Western side. "I'll head that way with the squad Elara assigns me. Stay in touch, ok?" [i]Cause we still have to go house shopping.[/i] He took her right hand and squeezed it gently in affirmation of the statement transmitted through their bond, giving her a half smile. "I'll head West." "Fine. Zora, Bex, go with Yerbol. Abbeth, Aria and myself will head East. Keep your comm units open and meet back here if trouble occurs." The trio walked forward into the darkness, which was quickly illuminated not only by the stronger blue light that Yerbol emitted from his right hand, but Abbeth's armor mounted flashlight that had a wide enough arc to see several feet ahead. Debris, cracked pottery and shards of various building materials were the only scenery until they hung a right, where a slight dripping could be heard, faint, but nearby. Zora held a finger up to her lips, motioning for Abbeth to lift his flashlight up to the darkened ceiling. "Oh no." Yerbol whispered. It was a trap.