[quote=@Maxwell] By this logic, big, burly men have a much greater right to freedom of speech than women and weaker men. [/quote] You're generalizing. The grand majority of things in politics aren't talking shit. Different opinions about economics, warfare, etc, are just that; opinions. But when you say "All the jews must die" or something to that effect, that isn't exactly the same sort of deal. If you say in public that you want my friends, family, or even myself to die? To me it doesn't just become sterile politics because you tie it into a shitty philosophy. If someone says "Your girlfriend should die" right there to your face, most witnesses would accept a punch as a result. So if they say "X group of people that include your girlfriend should die because of Y and Z", yeh, I don't see that as much of a difference. Remember too, we aren't talking about just chance suffering like most other political ideas ideas. Libertarians might say "I don't want taxes to pay for the healthcare of the poor" but this isn't exactly personal. Even if you are a poor person who desperately needs publicly funded healthcare, that libertarian opinion isn't talking shit because any suffering you receive is incidental and not the direct purpose of the libertarian. They didn't take away your healthcare because they wanted you to suffer, they took it away because they disagree with the concept of public funding. Even if a person supports a war, any deaths resultant are incidental because it is the goal of the war and not the deaths themselves that are the direct want of that person. But a Nazi fuck saying they want to kill all the Jews? Yeh, killing Jews is the direct purpose of their philosophy. If the Libertarian's changes resulted in no suffering, he would be happy. If the pro-War guy managed to win his war bloodlessly, he would be tickled shitless. But if the Nazi comes to power and no Jews were hurt or killed by his regime, he would be let down, because he cannot succeed in his mission without a large group of people either suffering violence or death. Hell, even if you are one of those especially dishonest Nazi's who talk about the peaceful creation of ethnostates, there is still mass violence in the forced removal of millions of people. And like whats-his-face said above, Freedom of Speech is in place to keep the government from deciding what can and cannot be said. It isn't in place to protect shit talkers from being slapped by those they talk shit toward. That silly Nazi fuck who got punched did not have his freedom of speech violated, just his stupid face. And I'd like to think I'm a fair person. That crazy fucking professor who wanted to wipe out white people? Yeh, they earned a tap on the jaw. It's not a right wing or left wing issue, it's an issue of it being beyond the pale to call for mass murder.