[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmIwNGFkOS5VbWxrWlhJLC4w/grecian-formula.regular.pngp[/img][/center] [center][color=92278f]Interacting with:[@Turboshitter][@Grey][@Eklispe][/color][/center] Rider heard her masters response. [i] I-I mean obviously you couldn't with that blindfold on, but I thought you must have been using some kind of magic that allowed you to see through it. You mean you really can't?[/i] He said across the link as if he was only just figuring it out. Of course she couldn't see through her eye mask, otherwise her passive noble phantasm would activate and probably kill her master, considering what she could see about his mana reserves through her inference of magical energies. [color=92278f][i]I really can't see master.[/i][/color] she said across the link as if confirming a child's question. Her master continued. He was smart enough to figure out it was to do with her eyes, not like it took any higher cognitive thinking because she had already stated her name but she responded to her his statement of names. [color=92278f][i]If you want to Master you may call me by my first name, I will grant you that respect if I may call you Ren, out of the company of friends, though, I would prefer you go by my title to not give away all of our game plans.[/i][/color] she said slowly across the link as if to emphasize her demands. She waited for her master to return from his trip upstairs wondering just what he would get her that was so much better than her blindfold. The sudden yell of "Try These" in her ear got the message across to her that her master really wanted her to try them on. These glasses that could seal her mystic eyes. A best of both worlds. "How do you have these?" She said allowed questioning her master as she felt the glasses frame in her hands. A gift for her? Ren was so nice, how sweet. Her old master didn't get her a gift. So it was safe to say this master was going to be a keeper. [color=92278f]"Well. I guess if I am quick enough... I change into these glasses in here"[/color] She began as she turned away from everyone, making sure that they were all out of her field of vision. She took a couple of steps away so she was at a fair distance. She raised her hands up to her face. Pulling off her blindfold which essentially vanished in her hands. A signification of the removal of her Gorgon Breaker. At once light poured into her eyes, it was tainted a slight shade of purple as if the color of poison. She didn't blink, her eyes unblinking unfazed. They were jewels in her socket. They were the significance of her name, the pivot of her legend. Her eyes were colored grayish in hue, her pupils rectangular in shape. She saw the world differently to most. This was the first time she had seen the world after such a massive time gap. It was certainly what was referred to as... The modern household. She looked down at the glasses her master at gave to her. He had a nice taste. She put them on her face, the purple hue fading from her sight as if to signify the eyes having their petrifying effect negated. Truly these Breaker things were a marvel of an Item. She would love to have more of them. To her, these things would be worth 10 time their weight in gold if she could read and not petrify all the humans around her. She turned back around and looked at the group. Her eyes were no longer a complete grayish hue and had taken on a purplish coloration which was still an unnatural color for a 'human' to have and yet her pupils were still very much rectangular though so any facade of normal eyes was completely gone, at least she didn't freeze the entire crowd. She was looking at her master first and the first thing that was going through her head was... [color=92278f][i]Oh the Gods. I actually thought he was younger. Now I look like I was flirting with him and now hes going to think I am actually into him and...[/i][/color] She sighed audibly as she composed her thoughts. Giving the rest of a group a wink (something she was now capable of doing now that her eyes were somewhat sealed). "Well now that I can tell what you all actually look like..." She began. "You sound younger then you are Ren." She looking to her master. [color=92278f]"Also, You are as ugly as I thought 'Professor'"[/color] She continued pointing to the man in front of her. [color=92278f]"Honestly, you really need to learn how to treat a lady."[/color] She said with an annoyed huff on her face before continuing onto the professor's servant.[color=92278f] "And you... Well, your appearance already does the commentary for me."[/color] She said as she waved her hand as if to show how insignificant she thought of Lancer perhaps if both Lancer and the professor had been nicer with the introductions she wouldn't treat them so badly. She'll stop eventually when they both prove that they are decent human beings but she just stood there looking at everyone. Getting used to the fact that she now needed to blink every now and then. [color=92278f]"Master, I also think I am going to need a new outfit..."[/color] She said looking down at herself. [color=92278f]"Glasses wouldn't fit with my regular attire you know..."[/color] she sounded very embarrassed. [center][h1]Taka Frederick & Assassin[/h1][/center] [center]Interacting with: [@Shadow Daedalus][/center] Taka watched her new 'friend's suspicious look of her as if he was reading her with his eyes. Was he wanting something specific? Surely she made it clear that they weren't going to hurt him after all he still had the mana leak on him. It made her wonder. Jack was busy looking at her for advice on how to deal with people in a manner other than killing them. Bless her. Her 'daughter' was so lost with talking to people sometimes that it was adorable. Of course, she wouldn't restrain her actions of being a surrogate to Jack in front of this gentleman. No sir, It was a sort of unspoken oath she took to be the mother Jack never had and to be better then her parents were at it all the same. She certainly cared a lot for her daughter even if she was a serial killer with some issues Taka understood it and like a good mother understood when her daughter needed space to vent some steam and frustrations. She watched the servants raised expression at her own comment on head pats. It was fine to be surprised. She was joking anyway. Though this servant could be a problem if they got on the wrong side. Taka's mental thoughts continued to churn around in contemplation in a manner similar to Jacks subconscious murmurs. She had one very effective option she could choose. She waited for him to finish what he was saying about having a safe house. Interesting. Probably better than what she had back at the apartment she squatted at. Maybe she could get a good shower and her clothes fully washed. Yea that would be awesome. Then she could get Jack another cheap dress to wear and-and. Taka shook her head bringing her focus back. She was talking about a man who had just beaten her in a fight. Though he would still make a good ally. "Well okay, James, as a token of gratitude for not killing me." She began as she began to utter a spell under her breath removing the curse she had inflicted on him. He would at once feel a surge of relief as if he was once again whole. "I just removed the curse I placed on you. Your welcome. Certainly, I guess you could say we are at least like minded people. I don't know if we can trust you enough but for now, you've shown you can handle yourself and we need all the help we can get in this grail war so... Let's extend that temporary truce to an alliance shall we?" Taka said leaving her statement open for a response before continuing. "So are we going to go to your safe house or not. Its cold and I would rather not get hypothermia along with this neck injury."