Doctor, the patient is in! Because this bitch is gonna need medical treatment every five seconds. [hider=Crazy Magic Cyborg Who Just Wants to be a Real Girl] [center] [hider=Appearance] With armor on: [img][/img] Without the suit, she'll be dressed in fairly regular clothes, but thin and asymmetrical veins of metal will be seen running up the back of her neck, spine, legs and right arm. Her left, on the other hand, may as well stay beneath the armor. [img] [/img] [/hider] [hr] [h2][b][color=lightcoral]General:[/color][/b][/h2] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Jaclyn Joy Janeway. Often called Jackie or "Three-J" [b]Codename:[/b] "Voice" [b]Color Scheme:[/b] [color=dimgray]DimGray ([b]696969[/b])[/color] and [color=lightcoral]LightCoral ([b]F08080[/b])[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hr] [h2][b][color=lightcoral]Personal Details:[/color][/b][/h2] [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] [/center] She knows they are frightened of her: she can see it in their wide-eyed stares at the chrome implants, the red eyes, the dead hair- then jerk away in shame when her gaze confronts them. Biotech might have earned a little acceptance (bit by bit) in the minds of the common people, yet Jaclyn Janeway has so much more than a few modifications. Yes, she sees them watching her. Then she smiles. Then she sweetly says hello. It doesn't take anyone long to notice her lightening intellect, or her equally impressive kindness. She talks fast, thinks fast, and befriends fast. She has an acerbic sense of sarcasm, but also a compliment for everyone. It is in her nature to be loving. Even when the implants try tugging her in another direction. Her brain's condition worsens every day right up until treatment. Months pass Voice by, until her naturally determined and optimistic personality is overshadowed by a quiet suffering. Insomnia forms bags under eyes, paranoia takes away her cheer, depression steals the light out of her smile. Psychosis will finally rob her of sanity- nothing is left. On a lighter note, she enjoys gardening. Since receiving her final brigade of biotech, she's taken up an interest in growing otherwise sickly plants on artificial substrates and hydroponics. On another, slightly less light note, she's terrified of doctors and robots. [center] [b]Short Biography:[/b] [/center] Jaclyn Joy Janeway was born broken. A malformed segment of the brain left her incapable of reaching much beyond an eight-year-old's conception of the world. When she was young, her well-achieved mother and masculine father looked at her as an extension of their success: a beautiful little daughter who would make great things of herself, they were certain. When her mental flaw was uncovered, that joy turned to parental fear. She was given her first biotech implant. It small one, buried deep into her brain tissue, but the results were miraculous. Her intelligence sky-rocketed, she was taken from the "special" classes to the normal ones, social skills finally showed signs of life. But while no one could see the electric device adjusting her mind's every signal, she could feel it. It hurt. Very, very badly. Only after months of that little girl begging to "go back the way I was" did a shocked doctor realize the implant was destroying her. It was irremovable, but also unsustainable. She was on the path to death. So to counteract the malfunctioning, she received five implants. A few years passed peacefully. "Jackie", she was calling herself, was predominately the star pupil of all her teachers. Then the decay began once more: her movements were jerking, her steps were off. Her mother noticed bruises over the preteen's arms and legs, a new mark left whenever she rammed herself into furniture. Worse, she was talking to herself frequently- nobody could ignore the paranoia, either, or the gradual slip into depression. "Your brain is still fighting the original implant. By rejecting our machinery," the doctor sagely intoned, "your immune system is killing you!" They could only hope that, by adding yet more devices, they would be able to force the girl's decaying body into accepting her original implantations. It worked. After years spent under surgery, modification and adaptation... Jaclyn was finally safe. With, however, a cruel irony: her parents did this all to give her a normal childhood, but now it was too late for that. She was a teenager. A teenager with a lightning scar of metal veins running through her body, a prosthetic limb replacing her left arm, and a computer articulating thoughts on her behalf. She was intelligent, and she was (mostly) sane, but she was not a child any longer. Even with the best efforts of the best professionals her family could afford, the original implant was never perfect. She still requires treatment every few months, or a deep insanity will grab hold of you. As the years passed, Jaclyn became a sort of home-brewed academic. She never obtained a degree- citing impatience as an excuse not to bother with college- but she surprises everyone with a knowledge of botany, chemistry, physics, engineering and history. However, she's shied away from anything related to biotech. Given her base of knowledge combined with that propensity for insanity, it is no wonder that she fell into the path of forbidden magics. She was never aggressive or anarchistic, but she did align with painstakers- more from a general curiosity than any sort of dangerous intent. It was through this underground culture that she first came in contact with a Cleaner who, upon discovering Jacklyn's propensity for atomic control, offered her recruitment. With the growing, growing, growing threat of "permanent brain malfunction" at her back, it was an easy choice for her to join the Cleaners. She feels a drive to do something valuable with her life before it's too late, and a responsibility not to waste the second opportunity this technology has granted her. [Center] [hr] [h2][b][color=lightcoral]Combat:[/color][/b][/h2] [hr] [b]Magic Style:[/b] Voice's a very willfull, rushed woman. It's reflected in her magic: while she is more than intelligent enough to skip around the arcane Law, she is far too impatient. She shirks away from thoughtcraft. All that time spent inventing a thousand loopholes would drive Jackie insane even faster. Her powers are incredibly simple; she prefers to call them "effective". She's a Brute, kicking down the mystic barrier like a door- steam rolls her will into the universe. No specific command, no long process of casting, just one of three thoughts: [i]move[/i], [i]energy[/i], or [i]stop[/i]. It is too time-consuming to invent a detailed method of killing, as the Thinkers do, so she opts to focus all her power into simple-yet-versatile ideas. [hider=Spells] Voice sees no point to extravagant magic. Why cast a fireball, or summon a monster, or freeze an opponent in ice? Some mages clearly read too much fantasy. In reality, when one can control the world around them, only the most base ideas are needed to change everything. One only needs to command a few atoms, and the whole world will shift. [i]Energy:[/i] Heat and energy are, if not totally the same, at least incredibly similar. Voice has learned how to command atoms to vibrate, generating both. Everything in her vicinity is consumed in ever-expanding heat, as the atoms vibrate faster and faster and faster. It is truly a horror to see what this will do to a living creature. [i]Warp:[/i] Rather than forcing atoms to shake, she directs them to move. Like most Brutal spells, there is no real micro-management here. All molecules in her sight alter direction totally at random, some moving one way and some moving another. To the untrained mind, that sounds harmless. To anyone with knowledge of physics, this is utterly terrifying. Imagine your body, when the atoms start to shift. The tissues and organs that hold you together- that make you a living creature- will lose cohesion. They will revert into a pile of disconnected cells. Your cells will revert back to a collection of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. Then the proteins, lipids and carbohydrates will revert into their basic compository elements. What remains? A pile of chemicals, and some acidic water. She prefers never to use this power. When it is done, nothing is left but an unidentifiable mass of raw materials. Objects, nightmares, buildings, the floor, people: everything tears itself to shreds on a molecular scale. Needless to say, as much danger is posed to her as to her target. Throwing herself [u]fully[/u] into warping the world would be definite suicide. Her own atoms would repel away from eachother at unimaginable velocities. Not even chemicals left. Not even a speck of dust. She casts this only in the most dire situations. Though it will kill anything made of matter, tremendous willpower is required to prevent her own atoms from fleeing. [i]Stop:[/i] After hearing of Energy and Warp, most people expect this stops atoms. Unfortunately for the Cleaners, Ms. Janeway is not nearly powerful enough to prevent movement on that level. To stop the vibration of atoms and the rotation of electrons around them would be... catastrophic. This is one skill she does not need to think about. If someone attacks you, what first runs through your mind? Stop! Jaclyn has taught herself to instinctually pump magic into this thought, ceasing attacks towards her. It may erect a barrier against spells, or push an incoming bullet backwards. Of course, everytime she does it, she grows a little more weary. It will not stop a determined nightmare- it will simply hold them off. [/hider] Her code-name derives from an odd little quirk: whenever Voice's magic is used, she shouts or growls or yelps or performs some guttural vocalization. It's an instinct she developed back in the early days of her magic, when the implant was even more rejected than it is now- at a spell being cast, a jolt of pain would dance through her skin from head to toe. The habit has stuck. [b]Membership:[/b] Semi-new. She has been a Cleaner for a solid year. While she's adapted to the lifestyle quickly, several months were spent during this time to develop the B.I.P.A. She has executed only a small number of nightmares, but impressively, she managed to "warp" one out of existence after the rest of her team was... eaten. She has yet to be assigned a new squad, as Voice only recently recovered from massive injuries self-inflicted by the spell. [b]Equipment:[/b] As far as weaponry goes: she carries a fully automatic assault rifle on most missions, matched with a pistol for back-up. Armor is another story. [hider=B.I.P.A.] B.I.P.A. stands for Biotech Interfacing Personal Armor. It's a unique device, as far as Jaclyn knows, having been made exclusively for her. She recruited the aid of several biotech experts to build a form of armor that would connect to her implants, increasing her natural reaction speed while also protecting her from simple bullets or spells. She uses the device primarily because she knows her combat training is minimal, but her style of magic forces her to get close to a target. [/hider] [hr] [h2][b][color=lightcoral]Interpersonal:[/color][/b][/h2] [hr] [b]Relationships:[/b] To be filled out as characters are interacted with. [b]Character Impressions:[/b] To be filled out as characters are encountered. [center] [hider=Theme Song] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [/hider] [/center] [/center] [/hider]