[h2][color=lightblue]Location: Zamak Ruins[/color][/h2] Interacting With: [@Shadeflare123] [@Sen] [@MechonRaptor] [color=lightblue]Equipment:[/color] 4/5 Pokeballs 4/5 Potions 0/1 Revives Aiden could really only watch and listen as the tone and even aura around the little ground changed. Roxy being the center point of it... The professor though was telling them a rather sad and cruel tale. After all who would be mean enough to not only charge right into a public sight without care for it's future, but also to then attack and shut out anybody else nearby depriving them of the chance to share what should be everybody's. It was all just... very uncool. Though Roxy seemed to be taking it the hardest. He did share her absolute love and adoration with ruins and the things found within, but he still new that they were a wonder and should be preserved. Just well... Maybe he wasn't ready to kill over it... As when Roxy made the remark his face changed to one of surprise as he looked tos ee if that was still the same Roxy he left Beryllium City with. Novis seemed to be in the same boat, ready for... something, but knowing him it was probably just more action. Regardless he once again was ready to charge head first into the fray with reckless abandon. And with Neir playing with Zorex who was at one point showing concern for Roxy, but now was just enveloped in the idea of playing and having more fun. Plus the idea of another battle was just... too awesome for him! So much like Roxy, Lucina, Aela, Novis, and Neir, Zorex went after them towards the ruins ready to go and have a grand old time. Yet through it all Aiden couldn't help but think it may be a good idea to bring another friend to the party... It had been awhile and Aiden was hoping for their first meeting to be in a nice and clean Pokemon Center, but really at this point it may just be a good idea to say hello already! So pulling out his only other used Pokeball he took out his Revive and tossed the ball. In a flash a fainted Larvitar arrived at the scene and Aiden was quick to head over and administer the Revive bringing the little guy back from his unconsious and dazed state to see Aiden holding him close to make sure he was alright. Blinking a few times he looked around to see the strange new places, curious but strangely calm through it all. Though being held and carried was NOT his idea of a good time and so he began to wiggle and struggle to get free, but the moment he was he looked back up at Aiden with his head tilted to one side. It was then Aiden spoke up to say, [color=lightblue]"Well hey there buddy. Feeling better?"[/color] He started to say, just to try and break the ice, though he knew that the poor little guy was rather battered from the fight and he could still see it, so to better help out Aiden pulled a Potion from his bag, [color=lightblue]"Here, this will help a little. I promise!"[/color] With that he aimed the spray bottle at the Larvitar who just tilted his head the other way in reaction. Upon being sprayed though he blinked a few times and shook his head, not really expecting the result that had come of it. But he knew that it was working as his body hurt less and less. [color=lightblue]"Name's Aiden."[/color] Aiden said, holdin out his hand to shake and while the Larvitar didn't shake it, he did walk up to it and slapped his palm, almost like giving a low five. This of course made Aiden chuckle a bit before saying, [color=lightblue]"I think we shoudl get you a name. How does... Well uh... How does Acano sound?"[/color] Aiden offered to which the little Larvitar got a big open mouth smile on his face before giving a call and cheering. Only to then slap Aiden's hand again. [color=lightblue]"Ok Acano it is. Come on though I think we're getting left behind!"[/color] Aiden said pointing ahead to the rest of his ground stomping away. From there the two new friends ran off to catch up with the group as they entered the ruins, ready for... well who could say, but one thing was certain... This was going to be another adventure!