Don't know if my cs is okay, but I hope it is. [hider=Ash Dehl] [center][color=E0FFFF]Name:[/color] [color=B22222]Asherari "Ash" Dehl[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Appearance:[/color] [IMG][/IMG] [color=E0FFFF]Height:[/color] [color=B22222]5'4[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Age:[/color] [color=B22222]18 years[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Gender:[/color] [color=B22222]Female[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Race:[/color] [color=B22222]Ant people[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Power:[/color] -[color=E0FFFF]Wallcrawling:[/color][color=B22222] What else needs to be said, she can crawl up any wall with no problems, unless it's a slick surface or glass.[/color] -[color=E0FFFF]Enhanced Smell and Taste:[/color][color=B22222] Ash can use her antenna to smell and taste some foods and smells lingering in the air around her[/color] -[color=E0FFFF]Super Strenght:[/color][color=B22222] Like many members of her people she can lift almost 40 times her own body weight.[/color] -[color=E0FFFF]Dermal Armor:[/color][color=B22222] Over her forearms, fingers, and feet she has heavy protective chitin, that slows her down.[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Personality:[/color] [color=B22222]Besides her vast knowledge of chemicals. Ash is also fascinated with people's races just like how she's fascinated with chemicals, is a very friendly person towards people she doesn't know, and usually starts off asking people what they are before she talks with them. Besides her almost obsession with other races, Ash likes blowing stuff up, not other people's stuff but mixing chemicals to make explosions, next to that she likes carving magical runes into pebbles and rocks.[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Background:[/color] [color=B22222]Ash comes from a large race of ant people who lived within the Earth's mantle and stuck in the 16th century, with many of her people using swords, bows, magic, and alchemy to defend themselves. Ash lived with her mother and grandmother, as her mother worked, her grandmother taught her how to carve runes into stones. As her people began to dig deeper into the Earth's mantle to make room for their growing population, they encountered lizard-like creatures that swarmed most of their diggers. After many vain attempts at stopping the lizard creatures, Ash's people began digging upwards "Digging to the heavens" They called it, hoping for an escape from the creatures. Once they broke through to the Earth's crust, a bright beaming light stood tall in the center of their city nearly blinding all who looked at it for too long. When Ash laid her eyes on that beam of light coming from what she thought was the heavens, millions of thoughts filled her head she immediately wanted to know what was causing the light and if it was truly heaven on the other side of it. As people began building an elevator for people to use the hole in the sky, the Lizard creatures began attacking the city and chaos began spreading. A group of the city's protectors did their best to get as many people to the elevator as possible. Ash luckily got to be one of the people to on board as it sent them to the surface and nearly broke apart as it reached its destination. The elevator took Ash and her people to a forest not far from a campsite, after swarming the campsite, they were soon discovered by humans and learned their futuristic ways. While only at the age of ten, Ash proved that she was far smarter than many of the human children that she learned with, knowing more about chemicals and even showing some of them how to carve runes, but even though she was smart and friendly towards others some of the other kids were afraid of her appearance. For seven years she went to human schools outperforming others in chemistry. After doing a bit of searching, Ash soon found a school that had people that had students that were either just as strange as her.[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Likes:[/color] [color=B22222]-Really sugary candies -Making runes -Mixing chemicals -Explosions -Modern and future technology[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Dislikes:[/color] [color=B22222]-Lizards -Being called a bug -Being thought of as dumb -Swimming[/color] [/center] [/hider]