[color=C0C0C0]"Hail, Gregori!"[/color] spoke Captain Tyros - being the first one to reach the Chariot. Namely cause his Battle-Barge [i]Black Flame[/i] - didn't have many men to transport or prepare. Only himself, which also was aided by the fact - that he had a teleportarium link with the flagship. Being one of the Astartes to possess such an ancient tech and the knowledge to maintain and use it. Tyros was wearing his usual black armor, the bone spikes coated in a metallic sheen. Namely he was prepared to use any weapon at his disposal to destroy the enemies of Man. Including the Curse, that had once gotten his Chapter almost banished from the Imperium of Mankind in the first place. He was carrying a bolter, as old as he was - yet well maintained and looking no older than few years, due to some scratches on the metal surface. A plasma pistol rested on one hip, while a chainsword was on the other - what was likely more surprising was the fact; that onto his armor was attached three purity seals. These weren't the immitations of the current Sororitas, or whatever remained of the Ecclesiarchy. Rather these were the older kind, carefully sealed and held in a special box - only worn, incase of an Astartes going to war. These seals were worn, whe the old Imperium had stood - and that had been blessed by the Emperor' Will. Each seal for one purpose of their Chapter - duty, service, loyalty. These were the beliefs that Tyros, and his other three members of their remaining Chapter held onto deeply. It only took one spark to lit illuminate this dark abyss. [@agentmanatee]