[quote=@Zaxter996] Here's my CS! I hope you like. [hider=Zachary Ainsworth CS] Name: Zachary Ainsworth [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cb/ba/0e/cbba0e9d10e5a004626b9743d6a52743.jpg[/img] Appearance: Zac stands at about 5'9" and is fairly thin, with only a small amount of muscle, mostly on his arms and torso. His light brown hair is often messy, with a slight wave to it, and falls to his shoulders. He has bright green eyes that are often bright and full of life, unless of course he is having one of his bad days, in which case his eyes are quite a dull, dark green. Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human Powers: Sound Manipulation: Can manipulate sound waves, changing volume, frequency and how far the sound travels. He can create 'bubbles' where no sound can leave/enter. Mostly personal, and 'bubbles' are only small. Enhanced Senses: Zac's five senses are all heightened to highly advanced levels. He can hear, see and smell things clearer and from further away, has very sensitive taste buds and is good at picking out specific ingredients in food, and is more sensitive to touch all over his body. Personality: Zac is a very chilled and laid back guy. He can come across as fairly introverted but once he feels comfortable with someone he is very outgoing. He is always happy to meet new people and talk about music or video games, or almost anything. He enjoys listening even more than he does talking. He likes to feel helpful and useful, and is always there for his friends, or almost anyone really. He always try's to be on everyone's good side and is trusting to a fault. As a lot of creative people are, he is prone to unexpected bouts of near crippling depression that can last anywhere from an hour to a week. This can often leave him bedridden for days on end. He also often puts other people's happiness and well being above his own. There are also short times where he will keep to himself due to thinking that he is just a bother to everyone around him. He often gets over it quickly, but it is always there at the back of his mind. He try's to be calm and collected, but it often quick to overreact and over think most things. Even the tiniest issue can turn into a horrible world altering disaster in his mind if he lets it. Zac is very opinionated, and often struggles to find the line between assertive and and aggressive when it comes to arguments, especially when it's something he's passionate about. Secretly, he is a hopeless romantic. He often keeps it hidden to avoid getting hurt, but it's there, and he can't wait to find someone to finally share that side of him with. Background: Not much to say about Zac's childhood. He grew up in a family musicians and always fit in fairly well. Until he ended up bursting his father's ear drums when discovering his powers. His father has never forgiven him since and home life had started to get strenuous. Since age 14 his parents started getting distant and his father often verbally abused him. He retreated into music and that's the only thing that kept him sane. It didn't help that he also continued trying to fix his relationship with his parents by doing almost all the housework, as well as homework and a part-time job. It was all too much, so he left for Pakora Academy. He hopes that in his new life he will be able to relax more and find people he can be comfortable around. Likes: Music, video games, bacon, friends. Dislikes: Being bored, silence, being alone (except when he needs it). Themes: In Due Time - Killswitch Engage Self-Destruct and Die - Dead Poetic There, There - The Wonder Years [/hider] [/quote] Accepted [quote=@TheWindel] [center][hider=✣ Markus Damon ✣][center][h2][color=red][u] [b]Markus [color=gray]✣[/color] Damon[/b] [/u] [color=gray][sup][sup][b]Height:[/b] 175 cm [color=red]✣[/color] [b]Weight:[/b] 87 kg [color=red]✣[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 400 Years[/sup][/sup][/color] [img] http://i.imgur.com/CtR5QVU.jpg [/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][i][color=red]"I’ve never tried."[/color][/i][/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][b] ✣ Name:[/b][/color] [color=red][i]Markus Damon[/i][/color] [color=gray][b] ✣ Age:[/b][/color] [color=red][i]400 [/i][/color] [color=gray][b] ✣ Gender:[/b][/color] [color=red][i]Male[/i][/color] [color=gray][b] ✣ Race:[/b][/color] [color=red][i]Undead[/i][/color] [b][color=gray][u][sub] ✣ [b]P O W E R S[/b] ✣[/sub][/u][/color][/b] [color=red][indent]Being a corpse has its perks; Markus is able to perform feats living flesh would have difficulty in performing. As such, he’s able to put in a little flair and acrobatics in his fighting style while also under the protection of a slow regeneration process to his body. His revolver, aptly named Marchosias, is said to contain the soul of a power demon lord and as such, is a very effective tool against angels and other holy beings. Some say the gun’s true persona can even manifest from time to time… [/indent][/color] [b][color=gray][u][sub] ✣ [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b] ✣[/sub][/u][/color][/b] [color=red][indent]A dark and brooding student, Markus keeps to himself with a stoic frown permanently glued to his features. What was perhaps once a raging soul that snarled to the heavens is now a walking corpse, the rage that had compelled him to walk the earth once more now nothing more but dull embers in his eyes. Still, that doesn’t stop him from attending classes. Markus is primarily direct and blunt in his wording, often succeeding in putting off other students when being approached. Few things are able to incite more than a frown from him but one would assume memories of his life as once living flesh would stir up that familiar rage lying dormant inside. One would think of course. [b][color=gray][u][sub] ✣ [b]B A C K G R O U N D[/b] ✣[/sub][/u][/color][/b] [color=red][indent]Markus remembers little of his life among the living and what he does recall are things he’d rather leave unsaid. Faint images of a grand, white house stand most prevalent along with the smell of ash and cinder. The taste of dirt rots in his bones and the gaze of a corpse is what ally and foe alike meet when meeting his eyes. This hasn’t stop some from speculating about his origins though. Some say he was the son of a rich noble who was burned along with the sins of his corrupt family. Others state that he was betrayed in a violent gang war, his body riddled with bullets and death. Whatever the case may be, his original murderers are long since dead; of that, he has made sure of. Why he’s attending school is anyone else’s guess. [/indent][/color] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] [i][center][h2][color=gray][u] ✣ [b]Theme[/b] ✣ [/u][/color][/h2][/center][/i] [center][youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjzcNsJVol0 [/youtube][/center][/indent][/color][/hider][/center] [/quote] Can you pm me why he would be in school or put it in his background since I feel like he might murder my character if I dont look >.< making him a teacher would be more logical. [quote=@Caits] [centre][b][h1][color=coral]Ceri[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://cf.ltkcdn.net/makeup/images/std/147110-283x266-brown-eye-shadow-on-woman-with-black-hair.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Ceriweydn Jones [b]Appearance[/b]: Asheligh stands at 5"6, her black hair extends to her shoulders, her brown eyes are deep and troubled. She has a light skin tone, and a fine complextion. She has a scar under one eye, faded and old. She typically wears dark clothes, almost "Punk" Like. [b]Height[/b]: five foot six [b]Age[/b]: Ceri is actually unsure of her age. She is either 16, or 17. She doesn't know the year she was born. [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Elven [b]Power[/b]: While Ceri has some magical abilites, her skill lies in other areas. [i]A living curse[/i] That's what Ceri thinks of her abilties. She wishes she never had them, and constantly seeks ways of dulling their affects on her. But she can never get rid of them. Even drugs lost their effect, once Ceri found she could heal herself. A living curse, and one she can't escape from. [i]Empathy[/i] This is Ceri main ability, it's strong, and it causes her pain. The ability to feel others emotions, to constantly feel everything going on around her. She can't control it, can't stop the torrent of emotions. She can control peoples emotions, but she prefers not to. [i]Telekinesis[/i] This is actually Ceri only power she doesn't wish gone. The ability to make things move? She thinks its way cool. [i]Healing[/i] The ability to heal might be someone elses dream, but for Ceri, touching people is hard, that explosion of emotion...she can't take it. The ability to heal comes from the mere fact she can follow emotions to the source of the injury, and then use the bodies own empathic state to heal. While it is effective, it exhausts both the user and the patient, and as such there is a risk for large injuries. [b]Personality[/b]: Ashleigh is a troubled individual. She keeps to herself, prefering her own company then the heart ache others can bring. She is a quite, almost soft young woman. She rarely raises her voice, and indeed she rarely voices her opinion, prefering to watch situations as they happen. She rarely lets anyone come close to her, for fear of getting hurt again. She is however a rather kind individual, willing to put aside her own fears and doubts for others, particularly if she cares about them. If she can be convinced to let someone it, she will be a valuble asset. However, she considers herself weak and suspetable, based on her past. [b]Background[/b]: There are many things Ceri will never truly understand. She will never understand why she doesn't know how old she is. She will never understand why she is alive. She was born, on a cold winter night, her mother dying giving birth to her.She will never understand why she was treated as she was-passed along like an object through some of the remaining elven families. They taught her about their race, but never, it seemed, about her family, and herself. She grew up trying not to be a burden. When her abilties develop, ceri ran away. After a few months, Ceri eventually found her way the academy. After sometime, Ceri found herself enrolling in the school, thinking it couldn't be worse then what she had already faced in her short life. she doubted her chances there, but anything was better then living on the street, at least here, she might be able to..stay sane. [/centre] [/quote] Accepted. Look over the grammar once more please. [quote=@KoL] [@liferusher] My CS as well: [hider=It's cowbberin' time!] [center] [color=gold][h3][b][u] ♉ Taura Minos ♉ [/u][/b][/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1N8OtiJ.png[/img] [color=gold][i]"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present." [b]— Jim Rohn[/b] [/i][/color] [/center] [color=gold][b]♉ Name:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]Taura Minos.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Height:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]152 cm.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Age:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]??? years.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Gender:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]Female.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Race:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]Celestial Spirit.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Powers:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]As the physical embodiment of the Taurus constellation, the strongest of the Twelve Zodiacs, the highest ranked Celestial Spirits, Taura's might is undisputed. The limits of her physical strength are all but unknown, despite her not so impressive size. Aside from being brute force incarnate, Taura also has connection to Earth Elementals, thus being able to wield Earth based magic, in addition to Star Magic, befitting her nature as a Celestial Spirit of the highest order. She can also summon a set of combat equipment including an armor and a battle axe as well as chains, many, many chains. Furthermore, because she's likened to the legendary Minotaur of Crete, Taura has a perfect sense of direction, in other words, it's impossible for her to lose her way. Lastly, but not least, Taura can talk to any kind of bovine or similar animals and be comprehended/comprehending them clearly (i.e.: She can speak Cow Language).[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Personality:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]Taura can be said to be cheerfulness incarnate, her only objective and her views of life revolve around having a good time at any time. She'll try to enjoy everything she does to the fullest, be it eating, fighting or any other things. In addition to fulfilling herself, Taura also takes great joy in trying to cheer others and make everyone's lives generally better. Because of that she can easily hit and hook up with pretty much anyone from demons and ghosts, to angels and fairies and be friends with them. She's insistent though and will keep on trying to make friends with people she likes until they give up and accept her around. It's really hard to push the Bull of Heaven aside when no restraint— physical or magical — can keep her at bay for long. However, don't take her cheerful personality for being dumb and forgiving. Like the Great Bull she's the embodiment of, Taura will not back off from a fight while she can keep going. This is further fueled by her sense of justice, which above all despises those who take the freedom and happiness away from others forcibly. Once Taura decides that you are her enemy, you can more or less write yourself as past history.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Background:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]Taura's story goes all the way back to the times of mankind's most ancient myths. In fact, the first mention of the Great Bull of Heavens was on the Epic of Gilgamesh, the oldest surviving epic poem in the known world. There, the Bull was a tool of revenge, summoned by a petty goddess, to lay waste to the kingdom of the most ancient hero. The Bull was creature of unstoppable might, impossible to be tamed or restrained except by the legendary Chains of Heavens. Being slain by the Hero, at the cost of his one true Friend's life, the Bull's demise was mourned by the gods and as a reward it was granted a place among the stars. Up to this day the ancient creature, almost as old as time itself, looks down upon the world, guarding it from its ultimate resting place. Similar legends of might bovines exist on other mythologies all around the world. The one that call for most attention being the Classical Greek Mythology, where the bulls were regarded as sacred animals and living symbols of Zeus, the King of the Olympians. This includes, obviously the most known of the bovine creature legends, the one of the Minotaur which was slain by the hero Theseus inside the labyrinth built by Daedalus, to keep the fearsome man-eater beast at bay. Either way, the past is the past, and doesn't matters that much. The fact is that Taura has longed to come down to the world once more and spread her rampage all over it... Except that the eons spent on the heavens made Taura wish for nothing but have fun and joy. That and the fact that Taura, while being related to was never one of those destructive beasts. She may be howdy but all of it is good intentioned, even if not exactly harmless, the whole time.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Likes:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]Wrestling, Good Food, Merry Times.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Dislikes:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i]People who take others' Freedom, People who lack a sense of humor, Bad/Not enough food.[/i][/color] [color=gold][b]♉ Theme:[/b][/color] [color=firebrick][i].[/i][/color] [center] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0KnBHHOJ0k[/youtube] [/center] [/hider] [/quote] She feels a tad overpowered with her unknown strength and all. Im fine with the idea of her being a celestial but stating that her power cant be measure is a little insane. [quote=@Rune_Alchemist] [@Liferusher] here, have a squid kid for review. [@TheHangedMan][@Letter Bee] If there is anything wrong/contradicting with what you guys have/had planned, send me a PM or something if you don't want to advertise anything here and I will be more than happy to change something. Don't wanna step on your guys toes or anything. [hider=Bea] [center] [color=7ea7d8][h3]Ustha-Kth or 'Bea' as she prefers being called for whatever reason[/h3][/color] [img]https://safebooru.org//samples/1763/sample_bc52ba07c3ef656741622811a574a93c36ec7309.png?1844886[/img] [h3][color=7ea7d8]"Oh, little birdie, what are you doing, trying to talk to stars flying so close to the moon? They having nothing to say to you, silly. Better you were lost in a pleasant forest, find a goat and have a chat. Mother likes little birdies that visit..."[/color][/h3] Height: 5'7 Weight: 132lbs. At first glance, Ustha, or Bea, appears to be a slim, young girl of petite build standing at around 5'7". She has long black hair that falls to her shoulders with a pale complexion. Her eyes, are of a somewhat unearthly blue color. If one so happened to stare, they would find little specks of light embedded in her pupils. Typically, she can be seen wearing a warm jacket with a thin, one piece dress with blue earrings. She typically wears a friendly smile, and seems to be otherwise easy to speak too. However, the longer one looks at her, they might start seeing...something else. A third, fleshy arm coming out of her right elbow. Head replaced by a mass of writhing tentacles. Clothes turn to a mass of pulsating, slimy, flesh. Blink however, and her appearance returns to that which it was before. Nothing more than a trick of the light or an overactive imagination...right? No, that's just her getting a giggle out of silly humans when seeing their petrified faces. At times, her skin can feel slightly clammy. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender[/b] Erm...Looks female? Is 'Genderless Space Squid' a gender? [b]Race[/b] Child Great One [b]Power[/b] [i][u]Otherworldly physiology[/u][/i] To put simply, Bea isn't human if it wasn't obvious. She in fact, was born in the outer realms of reality, where human comprehension fails them. As such, she has a bit of...an ability to not exactly be all that easily killed. Not to mention enhanced strength and endurance, meaning despite her slim form she could easily take a beating and dish one out. It also mean she in fact, has a number of appendages she can use similarly to hands. [i][u]Perception Warping:[/u][/i] A minor ability of hers, that basically allows others to change how normal humans perceive her via small scale reality warping. Most normal humans, she can effectively completely turn herself invisible towards and mask her presence entirely. To others, such as supernatural entities and whatnot, while it is lessened, she is still able to more or less hide her true appearance and replace it with that of a small human girl. This is of course, an ability she can only use on herself to mostly change how the human world perceives her physical form. This does not mean she'll be able to give herself new abilities/actually be any different. Think of it a bit like a permanent illusion, one that can affect the world, bleed, and things like that. Once someone's perception has been set, it is also quite difficult to change without great mental stress so she tends to avoid such things. Her true form, is difficult for normal humans to comprehend. Most would get a headache as their minds tried to understand what they were seeing. Others simply are too simple to even comprehend that much. A very rare few are able to perceive her form in its entirety, but such individuals are few. Those, special, privileged or unlucky few may be able to discern her true form, but at perhaps great cost to their mental state. She can, and will, at times manifest some of her true appearance to defend herself if need be. Often an extra arm or two, and some...erm, tentacles. She still prefers a mostly human appearance, so she doesn't hurt any funny humans. [i][u]Star Beacon[/u][/i] Honestly, her presence in the human world is not something the world exactly likes. She, is a being that should not be present. This has the unfortunate effect of making it easier for...[i]other[/i] things to slip through by her simply being present. Now, normally its not anything bad and its not anything she has control over. She could possibly learn to use it for nefarious purposes, but she has no desire too. Anything that slips through is easily dealt with and nothing dangerous so far as been able to free itself. Some tend to even attack her at times, if anything dangerous slips through. [b]Personality[/b] Aside from talking to herself, seeming to speak about things in an odd way at times, Bea is perfectly friendly. In fact, she has a bit of a child like curiosity about most things and always seeks to both learn more about what she is looking at and people in general. She can generally either be found in the library reading, or attempting to try some hands on experience with something she's never seen before. She likes people, and likes talking to them. In fact, she can get a bit...handsy with people. She indeed, likes giving people hugs for whatever reason. Likely due to some of that same curiosity that drives her to learn - she wants to know as much about people as she can. As far as intelligence goes, though, she is either too smart for humans to understand, or she's not all that smart at all. Considering what she is, it is quite likely she simple understands the world in much a different way than humans, but she still tries learning either way. She does, however, have a bit of a mischievous streak in her. While she does like people, she also likes 'playing' with them. Typically this involves giving them a small bit of a scare at times, or otherwise speaking something rather odd or disconcerting and never saying what she completely means, if she is even capable of it. Also, one should note she seems to view humans with slight...arrogance, as in, she thinks they are there solely for her amusement. [b]Background[/b] Bea's History would start with a now mostly defunct cult. This surreptitious cult, believing in such things as otherworldly beings, tried to summon one. Things that would make reality shudder, that were powerful beyond human comprehension. Thankfully for the world, they failed in summoning one of the Great Old ones...but perhaps it wasn't entirely a failure. It wasn't a Great One, but the great ones had blessed them with a child. The cult was eager to say that this child, whatever it was, was the key to something greater. Thankfully they never got a chance to test that theory. The cult was betrayed by an informant. One who was allied with those who saw such creatures and things abhorrent. In the chaos, the unborn child and the surrogate mother managed to escape. Realized the gravity of the situation, the mother thought about many things, realizing this child may have been the key to disaster. Before she could do anything though, she was told in her dreams, that if she let anything happen to the child - the creature would plunge the world into chaos and make her life a living hell. So, when the child was born, this person took to raising the child on her own. Ustha, or Bea, as her mom called her, was keenly aware of what she was and she never tried to pretend otherwise. She was a being that should not be here, but was, and she intended to make the best of it. For years, she tried to understand humans and learn things of earth, but it proved difficult. She inherently viewed the world in a much different manner than they. She could, yes, learn to talk, mimic human form well enough and mostly appear as human, but there were some things she could never wrap her head around completely. After some years, her human mother sent her to this academy. Maybe she could learn something. Over the years, the mother had learned that the child was almost as innocent and fun as any other, and she should not suffer simply for some arbitrary reason that she [i]could[/i] do something. [/center] [b]Likes[/b] - Seafood - Sun - Moon - Stars - The ocean - The sky - Music Boxes [b]Dislikes[/b] - Daytime - Clouds - Planes - Fire - uncuddly people. [b]Theme[/b] [color=7ea7d8]"What a pleasant tune...reminds me of the oceans..."[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45LKV8irGzA[/youtube] [/hider] [/quote] I really really like this idea. Lets take this to the pms to balance it out shall we. [quote=@Spriggs27] Don't know if my cs is okay, but I hope it is. [hider=Ash Dehl] [center][color=E0FFFF]Name:[/color] [color=B22222]Asherari "Ash" Dehl[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Appearance:[/color] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/V26GXkj.png[/IMG] [color=E0FFFF]Height:[/color] [color=B22222]5'4[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Age:[/color] [color=B22222]18 years[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Gender:[/color] [color=B22222]Female[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Race:[/color] [color=B22222]Ant people[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Power:[/color] -[color=E0FFFF]Wallcrawling:[/color][color=B22222] What else needs to be said, she can crawl up any wall with no problems, unless it's a slick surface or glass.[/color] -[color=E0FFFF]Enhanced Smell and Taste:[/color][color=B22222] Ash can use her antenna to smell and taste some foods and smells lingering in the air around her[/color] -[color=E0FFFF]Super Strenght:[/color][color=B22222] Like many members of her people she can lift almost 40 times her own body weight.[/color] -[color=E0FFFF]Dermal Armor:[/color][color=B22222] Over her forearms, fingers, and feet she has heavy protective chitin, that slows her down.[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Personality:[/color] [color=B22222]Besides her vast knowledge of chemicals. Ash is also fascinated with people's races just like how she's fascinated with chemicals, is a very friendly person towards people she doesn't know, and usually starts off asking people what they are before she talks with them. Besides her almost obsession with other races, Ash likes blowing stuff up, not other people's stuff but mixing chemicals to make explosions, next to that she likes carving magical runes into pebbles and rocks.[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Background:[/color] [color=B22222]Ash comes from a large race of ant people who lived within the Earth's mantle and stuck in the 16th century, with many of her people using swords, bows, magic, and alchemy to defend themselves. Ash lived with her mother and grandmother, as her mother worked, her grandmother taught her how to carve runes into stones. As her people began to dig deeper into the Earth's mantle to make room for their growing population, they encountered lizard-like creatures that swarmed most of their diggers. After many vain attempts at stopping the lizard creatures, Ash's people began digging upwards "Digging to the heavens" They called it, hoping for an escape from the creatures. Once they broke through to the Earth's crust, a bright beaming light stood tall in the center of their city nearly blinding all who looked at it for too long. When Ash laid her eyes on that beam of light coming from what she thought was the heavens, millions of thoughts filled her head she immediately wanted to know what was causing the light and if it was truly heaven on the other side of it. As people began building an elevator for people to use the hole in the sky, the Lizard creatures began attacking the city and chaos began spreading. A group of the city's protectors did their best to get as many people to the elevator as possible. Ash luckily got to be one of the people to on board as it sent them to the surface and nearly broke apart as it reached its destination. The elevator took Ash and her people to a forest not far from a campsite, after swarming the campsite, they were soon discovered by humans and learned their futuristic ways. While only at the age of ten, Ash proved that she was far smarter than many of the human children that she learned with, knowing more about chemicals and even showing some of them how to carve runes, but even though she was smart and friendly towards others some of the other kids were afraid of her appearance. For seven years she went to human schools outperforming others in chemistry. After doing a bit of searching, Ash soon found a school that had people that had students that were either just as strange as her.[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Likes:[/color] [color=B22222]-Really sugary candies -Making runes -Mixing chemicals -Explosions -Modern and future technology[/color] [color=E0FFFF]Dislikes:[/color] [color=B22222]-Lizards -Being called a bug -Being thought of as dumb -Swimming[/color] [/center] [/hider] [/quote] [quote=@Spriggs27] Don't know if my cs is okay, but I hope it is. Yea, accepted