Here is my finalized application, just tell me when and I'll submit it to the accepted character thing. [hider=Kurou and Shizu Yoshikage][center][h1]Kurou and Shizu[/h1] [img][/img] Height 5'9"/5'4 Age 19 Gender Both Race Jinyou, descended from Ushi-oni Power Enhanced Physiology - The twins own a body that is capable of feats well beyond human capability, such as enhanced strength, speed, stamina, and reflexes. Jinyou Physiology - Because of their heritage, the twins share a single "instance" and only one can physically "exist" at a given time. This essentially means they share a body, however that body is altered depending one which twin is in control at the time to fit their gender. They suffer no physical consequences not sleeping, but still do so anyways, leaving at least one twin awake at any given time. Personality [b][u]Kurou[/u][/b] [i]The brawns of the two. Most likely to take offence at large words.[/i] The brother of the twins is both less intelligent and less mature than his sister. Kurou is not particularly booksmart unlike his sister nor is he capable of keeping his cool all the time. He is not, however, without his boons. He is a relatively easy-to-approach and kind person, so long as you don't set him off. For the most part, he does not discriminate except in the case of ghosts, but that is merely because of trauma he received when he was younger. Unfortunately, Kurou is very susceptible to getting riled up and once he does, it does take a minute or two to regain his calm. He takes a lot of insults personally and sometimes will even anger when hearing words he doesn't understand because he assumes them to be some form of insult or another. He might even mishear things and get angry. He heavily dislikes talking about his own mental ability when compared to his sister, who is more or less a genius. Despite some insecurities, he does love his sibling very much. [u][b]Shizu[/b][/u] [i]The brains of the two. Most likely to be caught reading a book.[/i] If it weren't for the fact that she shared a body with her brother, Shizu would likely have grabbed a higher position on the student council. She is the polar opposite of her brother when it comes to brains over brawn, and is constantly scoring at the top when it comes to tests. She has a very calm and friendly demeanor and is very willing to help anybody who needs it, should she be capable of doing so. Most would say she is a reliable person. She is a very responsible young adult who is often tasked with the cleanup of whatever antics her brother gets into, be it literally or not. Housework and cooking at the home tend to be thrust onto her, though she does not mind the latter of the two. Shizu has an obvious fear of touching other people, but oddly does not mind being touched herself (at least as much as anybody else, would not suggest groping her, Life). Likewise, she loves her brother dearly. Background The early life of the twins was a rather difficult experience due to the fact that a Jinyou had not been born into the family in many generations, to the point where it had been forgotten that such blood existed within the family. This caused quite a stir when their mother found a baby boy when there should have been a baby girl in the crib, about two weeks after birth. It is likely that this strange phenomenon had occurred long before then, but nobody had noticed it until now. Research into possible causes had led them to discovering that the father of the baby had the blood of a youkai and he had passed this onto the baby, creating the first Jinyou of its kind in many, many years. Shizu and Kurou had to learn to adapt to sharing a body, and that was difficult growing up. Because they were kids, it was quite unsettling to wake up to find bruises or scrapes you don't remember getting, and if one twin was punished for being bad, then both had to be. This was on top of the discrimination that both siblings suffered for being something that wasn't human. Of course not everybody discriminated against them for being a youkai, but those who did not often still held a grudge against one twin or the other merely for taking their friend away, which wasn't something they could prevent. The twins dealt with the bullying in their own ways. Shizu removed herself from the situations she found herself in, opting to read books and study, while Kurou dealt with people head on, usually scaring them off. Perhaps they were bullied because the children feared the unknown? Who knows. It really did not help them that they were alone most of the time. Though their parents probably loved them, Kurou and Shizu were left alone quite often, as their parents were required to travel to different countries most of the time. The only people the twins could rely on were each other. Kurou was Shizu's best friend and Shizu was Kurou's best friend. It hurt, however, that they couldn't see or hug each other, and talking was fairly hard to do unless they were alone. For one twin to speak to the other was not impossible. It was true only one could control the body at a given time, yes, but by entering a state where they shut out everything else, much akin to meditation, they could speak to each other. Alternatively, they could always write notes for the other to read once they awoke. As time passed by, it began to seem as if the rest of the world grew alongside Kurou and Shizu. People matured and stopped discriminating against the twins for their inability to be separate. Kurou began gaining friends and was able to play even sports without worry, though he definitely had to learn how to hold himself back against his non-demi friends. Shizu enjoyed reading and found a few friends who were both as diligent as she had become and also enjoyed reading. There was a few years of their life where everything was going pretty smoothly, if you ignore Kurou's lowish grades. This was until Shizu was involved in an incident that led to her fear of touching people, and less importantly, where Kurou gained his fear of ghosts. The incident itself was not very complicated, you see. A friend intended to give Shizu a small jumpscare at a rumored haunted house. She had decided to do so because Kurou had been lured into the place by his own friends and apparently met a ghost or something and had run out of the place in a panic, eventually running out of steam and fainting. Shizu being the more reasonable of the two, repeatedly said there was nothing to be scared of and bravely stated she would walk through the house just to prove her brother was being overly dramatic. Even if there was a ghost, why would it be mean to anybody? Shizu... was not the bravest girl in the world once she stepped into the house. Surely there was nothing like a ghost in here that would actually harm people, right? Right?! As she became more and more nervous, one of her friends decided she would hop out from the corner Shizu was about to turn and scare her. Bad move. In her frightened state, Shizu let loose a startled punch that sent her friend flying, and as it turns out, breaking quite a few bones. Ultimately, her friend recovered after some time in the hospital, and that very same friend forgave her entirely. But Shizu was terrified at the idea that she might accidentally do that again, or cause an even worse accident. From that day forth, Shizu refuse to touch anybody else. And also Kurou became spooked by ghosts. There's really nothing too interesting after this point, as aside from the obvious bumps in the road they share, the twins have been doing their best to grow up. There's a few feelings of inadequacy from Kurou and the absolute fear of hurting someone from Shizu, but nothing too special. A certain school for demis just happens to be something along their way. Likes Sports - Kurou Books - Shizu Running - Kurou Studying - Shizu A stroked ego - Kurou Kurou - Shizu Shizu - Kurou Dislikes Harming people - Shizu Books/school - Kurou Delinquents - Shizu Ghosts - Kurou Being compared to Shizu - Kurou Theme [url=]Couldn't find anything[/url][/center][/hider]