[@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007][@Eidolen][@MayLien][@Heap241] [@banjoanjo][@CrazyShadowy][@Indra] Status update: [list][*] Further discussion took place in the Discord channel to confirm specific timelines. [b]Conrad's the next post, with the one following his being either Henneth or Lotus -- sounds like they're both roughly arriving at the same time.[/b] Tatiana will be able to post at some point during their posts based on when they said they'd be arriving, though she could, in theory, post now so long as she only posts her departing for the estate and not reaching it. Still waiting to get a gauge of Itzal's status, but once we've got a post from Conrad that'll be organized too. James plans to drive himself to the estate, so Daniel's the only unaccounted character.[/list] [list][*] As discussed in the Discord channel, Lucia's most recent IC post will be edited to include the time she arrived at the escort point. [b]I want each person who subsequently arrives at the escort point to also post their time of arrival too.[/b] This will also be listed by those not taking the escort when the arrive at the estate itself.[/list]