"I understand your apprehensive attitude towards me," Amy addressed one of the women, "but let me assure you they wouldn't even think twice about putting me on board this ship if they thought I'd be more of a liability than an asset to the team." Amy's tone of voice wasn't argumentative, but rather, it displayed enough confidence to get the point across. She did, after all, never wasted a chance to defend herself. "Trust me, if I were in your shoes, I'd also be questioning having a blind team member aboard the ship for a mission such as ours, but I do have valuable resources at my disposal that doesn't make me any more of a liability than you or the next guy. For example, the head piece of my amor is equipped with some recent technology which allows me to see basic shapes and outlines, especially those of individuals, as well as their heat signatures. I can't necessarily make out precise details such as eye color, but I doubt that's a necessity when we're dropping them like flies. Oh, and in case you're worried, my armor also allows me to lock in to whichever heat signature I choose so that I can tell the bad guys from...well, you. And let's not forget my heightened sense of hearing, although that one's more so annoying than anything else..." Amy refrained from continuing to blab on. She wasn't upset that the woman had questioned her presence amongst the rest of the team--in fact, she was expecting some defiance from the others. When the ship left the docking bay, Amy nearly fell to the floor, but she regained her footing and tightened her grip on the door frame until they reached smoothed cruising. "I'll take my luggage from you now," she said to the man with the accent, unsure of whether he was still a few feet away from her. [@PlatinumSkink] [@Rultaos]