[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] Charlotte simply looked at Cait with obvious annoyance. She didn't have time for the natives shenanigans. Now that she wasn't in any immediate danger of dying from starvation or dehydration, she had work to do and she [i]really[/i] did not like being interrupted. Especially by people she could hardly understand that liked to waste her time with silliness. She effectively ignored Cait as she left, giving her a small wave as she went to go do...whatever. This was a good place as any to try and make a small shelter of some sort. So she decided the easiest way to go about it, would be to simply use the axe she made to hack the log into smaller ones. Perhaps not the most effective method, but she didn't want to waste time. She'd need to cut down a few more trees as well, but for the most part things should go smoothly barring any interruptions. The dark haired girl didn't even notice Cait had left, caught up in her work as she was. An hour or so passed, and she had cut the fallen tree into some decently sized logs. Big enough that she could set them up and she'd be able to have somewhere she could sleep without having to crouch or risk of smashing her head into the ceiling. Now she'd just need to log a few more trees, get some of those large leaves off the coconut trees, some more rope and she could get a nice, if not entirely state of the art hut going. Phew, just a small break before she'd go find some more...